StringBuilder and if it's empty. Find the index of the letter 'y'. Delete a substring from the starting index till this index (of 'y'). Insert a string "Good luck on " StringBuilder to Console. at the...

I was wondering how would you tackle this questions since I am confused where to begin

StringBuilder and if it's empty. Find the index of the letter 'y'. Delete a substring from the starting index till this<br>index (of 'y'). Insert a string

Extracted text: StringBuilder and if it's empty. Find the index of the letter 'y'. Delete a substring from the starting index till this index (of 'y'). Insert a string "Good luck on " StringBuilder to Console. at the beginning of the StringBuilder. Append '!" to it. Print your 2. String vs StringBuilder Part 1. a. Create a 1D array of integers to store 50 integers b. Store values from 0 to 49 into the array you just created. c. Create a new String Object using no-arg constructor. d. Using for loop append the array elements one by one to the String (one per loop iteration) e. Record and display a run-time it took to append all integers to the String (record run-time of 1.d.)) Part 2. f. Create a new StringBuilder Object using no-arg constructor. g. Using for loop append the array elements one by one to the StringBuilder (one per loop iteration) h. Record a run-time it took to append all integers to the StringBuilder (record run-time of 2.g.)) Part 3. i. Compare your results from parts 1 and 2 j. Repeat the testing with 500 and 5,000 elements k. Provide all your source code, Console output and a small summary of your results in the following table: Time / size n 50 500 5,000 String StringBuilder
Homework #4<br>Due Date: Posted on BB<br>1. Provide answers to the following Questions:<br>a) What can you do to change the content of a String?<br>b) What is the difference between StringBuilder and String?<br>c) Which of the following classes are Immutable: Integer, Short, Byte, String, Boolean, Float, Character,<br>BigInteger, StringBuilder, StringBuffer?<br>d) Can you sort an array of Strings, Dates and Integers using the same method? If so, provide an example.<br>e) Create a new StringBuilder from the String

Extracted text: Homework #4 Due Date: Posted on BB 1. Provide answers to the following Questions: a) What can you do to change the content of a String? b) What is the difference between StringBuilder and String? c) Which of the following classes are Immutable: Integer, Short, Byte, String, Boolean, Float, Character, BigInteger, StringBuilder, StringBuffer? d) Can you sort an array of Strings, Dates and Integers using the same method? If so, provide an example. e) Create a new StringBuilder from the String "Prepare for your Midterm Exam". Check the capacity of the StringBuilder and if it's empty. Find the index of the letter 'y'. Delete a substring from the starting index till this index (of 'y'). Insert a string "Good luck on " at the beginning of the StringBuilder. Append '!' to it. Print StringBuilder to Console. your 2. String vs StringBuilder Part 1.
Jun 10, 2022

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