Statistics Discussion Week IV Please provide a XXXXXXXXXXword explanation for the below discussion question and please include APA style in-text quotation marks, citations, and references!! In...

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Statistics Discussion Week IV
Please provide a 250-300 word explanation for the below discussion question and please include
APA style in-text quotation marks, citations, and references!!

  1. In correlation and regression we are examining relationships between two or more variables (i.e., ad spending and sales). However in most studies we do we cannot say that one variable (ad spending) causes the other (sales). Why not? What has to be the case for us to discuss one variable "causing" another?

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Statistics Discussion Week IV Please provide a 250-300 word explanation for the below discussion question and please include APA style in-text quotation marks, citations, and references!! In correlation and regression we are examining relationships between two or more variables (i.e., ad spending and sales). However in most studies we do we cannot say that one variable (ad spending) causes the other (sales). Why not? What has to be the case for us to discuss one variable "causing" another?

Statistics Discussion Week IV Please provide a 250-300 word explanation for the below discussion question and please include APA style in-text quotation marks, citations, and references!! 1. In correlation and regression we are examining relationships between two or more variables (i.e., ad spending and sales). However in most studies we do we cannot say that one variable (ad spending) causes the other (sales). Why not? What has to be the case for us to discuss one variable "causing" another?
Answered Same DayDec 20, 2021

Answer To: Statistics Discussion Week IV Please provide a XXXXXXXXXXword explanation for the below discussion...

Robert answered on Dec 20 2021
118 Votes
1. In correlation and regression we are examining relationships between two
or more variables (i.e
., ad spending and sales). However in most studies we do we cannot
say that one variable (ad spending) causes the other (sales). Why not? What has to be the
case for us to discuss one variable "causing" another?
Correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Correlation just says which direction
two variables are moving i.e. whether they move in same direction (positive correlation) or they
move in opposite direction (negative correlation). Correlation might occur just by chance and
therefore might not imply causation. For examples, suppose we find...

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