STANDARD VERSION If you are going to do the standard version then START by downloading the 260 assign11.asm file from Canvas For the standard versionyou will be implementing the followingprocedure:...

STANDARD VERSION If you are going to do the standard version then START by downloading the 260 assign11.asm file from Canvas For the standard versionyou will be implementing the followingprocedure: calculate_grade Uses the numericscore in eax to determine the corresponding lettergrade based on the following criteria If the score is 90-100, the grade is an A If the score is 80-89, the grade is a B If the score is 70- 79, the grade isa C If the score is 60-69, the grade is a D If the score is less than 60, the grade is an F The grading scale could be changed at any time by changing the A_grade, B_grade, C_grade, and Dgrade constants in the program. The program should still work correctlyeven if these constants were changed in the future. The idea is that in main, a number between0-100 will be placed in registereax. Then, main will call the calculate_grade procedure. The calculate_grade procedure will determine the lettergrade based on the value in eax, and then move the lettergrade ('A, 'B', 'C', 'D', or 'F') into the letter_grade variable in the data segment. For example, if value ineax is 92, then'A'should be moved into letter_grade. If the value in eax is 74, then'C' should be moved into letter_grade, and so on.


.model flat,stdcall

.stack 4096

ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword

A_grade = 90 ;the minimum score to get an A (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)

B_grade = 80 ;the minimum score to get a B (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)

C_grade = 70 ;the minimum score to get a C (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)

D_grade = 60 ;the minimum score to get a D (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)


letter_grade BYTE ? ; stores the letter grade ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', or 'F')


main proc




invoke ExitProcess, 0

main endp

calculate_grade proc




calculate_grade endp

end main

May 19, 2022

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