Standard version If you are going to do the standard version then START by downloading the 260 assign11.asm file from Canvas For the standard version you will be implementing the following procedure:...

Standard version If you are going to do the standard version then START by downloading the 260 assign11.asm file from Canvas For the standard version you will be implementing the following procedure:


.model flat,stdcall

.stack 4096

ExitProcess proto,dwExitCode:dword

A_grade = 90 ;the minimum score to get an A (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)

B_grade = 80 ;the minimum score to get a B (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)

C_grade = 70 ;the minimum score to get a C (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)

D_grade = 60 ;the minimum score to get a D (can be changed according to

the grading scale used)


letter_grade BYTE ? ; stores the letter grade ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', or 'F')


main proc




invoke ExitProcess, 0

main endp

calculate_grade proc




calculate_grade endp

end main

May 19, 2022

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