Using the Balance Sheet in the St. Johns County, Florida 2015 CAFR calculate the following ratios for each of the five (5) funds shown and for the “Total Governmental Funds:”
a.Current Ratio
b.Net Working Capital
c.Debt Ratio 1
d.Debt Ratio 2
e.Unrestricted Net Assets Ratio
f.Response Ratio
Extracted text: ST. JOHNS COUNTY, FLORIDA BALANCE SHEET - GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS September 30, 2015 St. Johns County Community TransportationRedevelopment Governmental Other Total General Govemmental ASSETS Trust Funds Funds Equity in pooled cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts and notes receivable (net of allowance for uncollectibles) Notes receivable $ 25,564,656 $2,304,434 S 20,804 30,711,687 58,601,581 107,463,868 25,357,773 31,198,759 50,907,336 1,105,035 448,450 60,773 2,434,739 2,002,123 1,959,864 308,617 804,737 300,000 748,450 receivable Advances to other funds Due from other funds Due from other governments Inv Other assets 65,899 287,030 47,659 2,484,320 2,204,662 3,340,936 136,640 1,094,042 260,489 11,786 319,337 177,893,293 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES LIABILITIES $59,193,902 $35,379,267 $ 20,804 S83,299,320 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Customer deposits Advances from other funds Due to other funds Due to other governments Interest payable $ 5,278,481 $2,643,117 75,000 3,378 3,771,189 11,696,165 490,115 2,484,320 2,997,718 2,067,079 409,984 2,484,320 95,261 663,102 609,967 1,971,728 94,565 90 178,944 8,449,104 revenue 842,046 TOTAL LIABILITIES 2,812,772 3,378 9,312,189 20,577,443 FUND BALANCES Nonspendable Restricted Committed 2,883,189 290,808 347,659 67,183,188 67,486,832 ned 32,291,596 8,751,261 41,047,447 Unassigned TOTAL FUND BALANCES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES 47,570,801 50,744,798 59,193,90235,379.267 S 45,050,463 157,315,850 20,804S83,299.320177,893,293 520,338) 32,566,495 73,987,131 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.