SQL LAB 2 Use SalesOrders.accdb to answer the following questions: 1. “List employees (full name) and the customers (full name) for whom they created an order.” (211 rows) 2. “Display all orders, the...

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SQL LAB 2 Use SalesOrders.accdb to answer the following questions: 1. “List employees (full name) and the customers (full name) for whom they created an order.” (211 rows) 2. “Display all orders, the products in each order, and the amount owed for each product, in order number sequence.” (3,973 rows). 3. “List the customers and employees who live in the same city.” (10 rows). 4. “Display customers who have no sales rep (employees) in the same ZIP Code.” (18 rows). 5. “List the customers who ordered a helmet together with the vendors who provide helmets.” (Hint: This involves creating a UNION of two complex JOINs.) (73 rows). 1. “What is the average retail price of a mountain bike?” (1 row) 2. “What was the date of the most recent order?” (1 row) 3. “What was the total amount for order number 8?” (1 row) 4. “Display for each product the product name and the total sales.” Order by total sales in descending order. (38 rows) 5. “List all vendors and the count of products sold by each.” Order by count of products in descending order. (10 rows) 6. “List how many products belong to the most popular categories. Display the category description and count where 3 or more products are listed in that category?" (5 rows) INFO 3140 SQL Lab 25/3/2019Page 1 of 1
May 08, 2021

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