spss program

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spss program

Answered Same DayDec 22, 2021

Answer To: spss program

Robert answered on Dec 22 2021
125 Votes
In order to compare the preference for the 3
restaurants as asked in the question, we take into
account the average ranks in order of preference.
For the HF group:
Assuming that the questions 105-107 are interval
scaled, the average ranks in terms of p
reference are
as follows:
Burger King Mc Donalds Wendy
2.8539 2.1404 2.4663
Thus for the HF group we can see from the table above
that Burger King has a higher preference as compared
to Wendy while Mc Donalds has a lower as compared to
For the LF group:
Assuming that the questions 105-107 are interval
scaled, the average ranks in terms of preference are
as follows:
Burger King Mc Donalds Wendy
3.0893 2.3125 2.6384
Thus for the LF group too we can see from the table
above that Burger King has a higher preference as
compared to Wendy while Mc Donalds has a lower as
compared to Wendy.
Thus the pattern of preference for the 3 restaurants
remain same both for the high frequency group and for
the low frequency group.
In order to compare the importance of the taste of
food to the importance of cleanliness and speed of
service, we take into account the mean rating (rating
was given on a scale of 1-5 )given by the responders
for these 3 characteristics.
Characteristic Mean Rating
Taste of food 4.7313
Cleanliness 4.7338
Speed of service 4.5871
We can see from the above table that the importance
of the speed of service is less as compared to the
importance attached to the taste of food, while the
importance of cleanliness is slightly higher than the
importance for taste of food.
We look at the average rating for the importance of
the taste of French fries for the HF and LF groups:
Groups Average rating for the
importance of the taste of
French fries
HF 4.0787
LF 4.3973
From the table above, we see that the LF group
attaches more importance to the taste of French fries
than the HF group.
Now for each of the 3 attributes taste of food,
cleanliness and speed of service, we look at the
average level attained by the 3 restaurants, Wendy,
Burger King and Mc Donalds.
Taste of
Cleanliness Speed of
Burger King 4.3333 4.5721 4.5896
Mc Donalds 4.5224 4.7463 4.7214
Wendy 4.5771 4.7811 4.6343
Taste of food:
From the above table we see that the average level of
the taste of food as attained by Wendy is more as
compared to both Mc Donalds and Burger King.
From the above table we see that the average level of
cleanliness as attained by Wendy is more as compared
to both Mc Donalds and Burger King.
Speed of Service:
From the above table we see that the average level of
the speed of service as attained by Wendy is...

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