HED 296 Homework 6 Due date: 4/28/2020 You will be using your Framingham dataset for the following questions. 1. Create a scatterplot of systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol. Do you...

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SPSS analysis with included data set

HED 296 Homework 6 Due date: 4/28/2020 You will be using your Framingham dataset for the following questions. 1. Create a scatterplot of systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol. Do you think there is a liner relationship between these variables? Why or why not? If so, what kind? 2. What is the correlation between systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol? Interpret. 3. What is the correlation between diastolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol? Interpret. 4. Calculate a simple linear regression where the outcome is total serum cholesterol and the independent variable is BMI. Interpret. 5. Calculate a simple linear regression where the outcome is total serum cholesterol and the independent variable is age. Interpret. 6. Calculate a simple linear regression where the outcome is total serum cholesterol and the independent variable is smoking status. Interpret. 7. Calculate a multivariable regression where the outcome is total serum cholesterol and the independent variables are BMI, age, sex and smoking status. Interpret. 8. Use the regression from question 7 to answer the following. a. What is the predicted total serum cholesterol for a 50 year-old man who doesn’t smoke and whose BMI is 25? b. What is the predicted total serum cholesterol for a 25 year-old woman who smokes and whose BMI is 32?
Answered 1 days AfterApr 27, 2021

Answer To: HED 296 Homework 6 Due date: 4/28/2020 You will be using your Framingham dataset for the following...

Jagjit answered on Apr 29 2021
155 Votes
Homework 6
1. Create a scatterplot of systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol. Do you think there is a linear relationship between these variables?
Why or why not? If so, what kind?
Ans :
From the above scatter plot of systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol, it can be observed that a correlation exists between systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol. The type of correlation is positive.
2. What is the correlation between systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol? Interpret.
From the correlation matrix, it can be seen that the correlation between systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol is 0.2. Hence correlation between systolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol is positive but the strength is weak. Hence the correlation is likely unimportant.
3. What is the correlation between diastolic blood pressure and total serum cholesterol? Interpret.
The correlation coefficient between total serum cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure is 0.164. This can be observed from the above correlation matrix. The correlation is positive between total serum cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure but the strength is very weak. Hence the correlation is highly unimportant.
4. Calculate a simple linear regression where the outcome is total serum cholesterol and the independent variable is BMI. Interpret.
Linear Regression Between total serum cholesterol and BMI is calculated below :
Interpretation :
· From the ANOVA table, it can be seen that the overall model is highly significant.
· Also from the...

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