Sport Marketing and Media: Major Project Overview and Template
Project Overview
A sport marketing research project will be completed that explores sport consumption of a selected social network i.e. peer group, family, local sports club etc. Students must collect data through a short online survey consisting of no more than 10 questions. At least 20 people should complete the survey. The theme of the research will be understanding sport consumption of a targeted group. A project template is provided below, and it must be utilised to receive a mark for this assessment. The template consists of a cover page, table of contents, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, reference list and appendix. The detailed criteria matrix for the research project will be discussed in class. The project must be submitted through Turnitin. No hard copy submission is required for this project.
Due Date:
October 18, by 11am AEST
Assessment Weighting:
Word Limit:
For this major written project there is a minimum and maximum word range. The minimum number of words that must be written is 2500 (not including reference list or appendices). The maximum number of words that can be written is 4000 words (not including reference list or appendices).
Cover Page
(Instruction: this is the only cover page that is required)
Student Name:
Student Number:
Project Title:
Table of Contents
(Instruction: Only the major headings and associated page numbers need to be listed in the Table of Contents. Any Table of Contents that does not contain the relevant page numbers will be penalised. There is no need for an executive summary or abstract for this project).
1.0 Introduction
(Instruction: Introduce the project and clearly define the purpose of the research. The introduction should be no more than 200 words in length. For this project there is no need for an executive summary or abstract).
2.0 Literature Review
(Instruction: In less than 100 words explain the purpose of the literature review).
Article 1
(Instruction: This article MUST be sourced from the
Journal of Sport Management. The review for this article should be no longer than 200 words. The review should include the following areas: what was the purpose of the article, what method did the authors employ i.e. survey, interviews, secondary data etc., what were the key findings and contributions to emerge from the research. Please state at the start of the review the author/s names and the year the work was published. The full reference must be included in the reference list).
Article 2
(Instruction: This article MUST be sourced from the journal called
Sport Management Review. The review for this article should be no longer than 200 words. The review should include following areas: what was the purpose of the article, what method did the authors employ i.e. survey, interviews, secondary data etc., what were the key findings and contributions to emerge from the research. Please state at the start of the review the author/s names and the year the work was published. The full reference must be included in the reference list).
Article 3
(Instruction: This article can be sourced from any academic journal approved by your tutor including the
Journal of Sport Management
Sport Management Review. Examples of other journals (not limited to) that have relevant material for this project include:
European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Marketing Quarterly
Managing Sport and Leisure.
The review for this article should be no longer than 200 words. The review should include following areas: what was the purpose of the article, what method did the authors employ i.e. survey, interviews, secondary data etc., what were the key findings and contributions to emerge from the research. Please state at the start of the review the author/s names and the year the work was published. The full reference must be included in the reference list).
2.5 Overview
(Instruction: Discuss how the three articles inform your study. Outline the similarities and any differences between the three articles that were reviewed. Additional sources (if needed) can be used in this section to support the discussion. The overview should be no longer than 400 words).
3.0 Methodology
(Instruction: Explain the methods used to collect and analyse your data. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the methods employed for your study i.e. in conducting online surveys etc. This section should be no longer than 600 words and should use at least three supporting references i.e. “According to Gratton and Jones (2010) online surveys in-depth are used in sport marketing research because …”).
4.0 Results
(Instruction: Present and describe the results from the survey data in this section. If required, tables and figures can be used to present the data in this section. The length of this section will vary from student to student depending on the amount of data collected. The suggested word length for this section is approximately 700-1000).
5.0 Discussion
(Instruction: Compare and contrast your results with what was outlined in the literature review. What are the similarities and differences between what you have found and the literature? What are the key themes to emerge from your research that links with the literature or builds on the literature? This section should be approximately 500-800 words).
6.0 Conclusion
(Instruction: Conclude the project highlighting the key findings. Also provide two or three key recommendations to emerge from the study. These recommendations can be practical or for future research – this will depend on the type of survey questions that were asked. This section should be short and no longer than 300 words).
7.0 Reference List
(Instruction: Ensure the reference list follows the UTS Business School guidelines. Any reference list with multiple errors will be penalised)
8.0 Appendix
(Instruction: This section must contain the full online survey used in the research (do not use a link). Any additional tables and graphs can also be placed in the appendix as well as any other relevant supplementary information that does not fit within the report due to space limitations).