"Son" explores two different kinds of identity-vertical identities like the ones that connect us to the members of our families, and the hoiizonca.l identities we fom1 on the basis of characteristics...

"Son" explores two different kinds of identity-vertical identities like the ones that connect us to the members of our families, and the hoiizonca.l identities we fom1 on the basis of characteristics we share with our contemporaries. Why do the two so often seem to conflict, and how do they conflict in Solomon's own life? What solutions does he 6nd? As you re-read, pay particular attention to what Solomon observes about illness and identity. Can we apply to identities his analogy to the physics principle known as the Copenhagen interpretation, which holds that energy can be described as either a pa1ticle or a wave but not both at once? Must we choose between our vertical and horizontal identities, or can they somehow be combined? Do all identities actually include vertical and horizontal elements?

May 05, 2022

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