Solve the following system of linear equations, by using the Gauss Elimination and LU Factorization. Compare the results of manual calculation and Scilab codes. x + 2y - 3z -t = 0 -3y + 2z + 6t = -8...

Solve the following system of linear equations, by using the Gauss Elimination and LU

Factorization. Compare the results of manual calculation and Scilab codes

Solve the following system of linear equations, by using the Gauss Elimination and LU<br>Factorization. Compare the results of manual calculation and Scilab codes.<br>x + 2y - 3z -t = 0<br>-3y + 2z + 6t = -8<br>-3x -y + 3z +t = 0<br>2x + 3y + 2z -t =-8<br>

Extracted text: Solve the following system of linear equations, by using the Gauss Elimination and LU Factorization. Compare the results of manual calculation and Scilab codes. x + 2y - 3z -t = 0 -3y + 2z + 6t = -8 -3x -y + 3z +t = 0 2x + 3y + 2z -t =-8

Jun 08, 2022

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