Solution ONLY (D) and (E) part (Last 2 parts) Mr. Assad a Wholesaler buys a product from the Al Mazoon manufacturing company at RO 700 and pays VAT at the prescribed rate of 10%. a retailer buys a...

Solution ONLY (D) and (E) part (Last 2 parts)

Mr. Assad a Wholesaler buys a product from the Al Mazoon  manufacturing company at RO 700 and pays VAT at the prescribed rate of 10%. a retailer buys a product from the wholesaler at RO 800 and the wholesaler charges VAT at the prescribed rate of 10%. The retailer fixes the price at RO 1000 and charges VAT at the same rate.

Mr. Yousuf buys the product from the ABC LLC.

  1. What is the price including VAT that Mr. Yousuf has to pay to buy the Product?

  2. What is input tax and output tax? Discuss

  3. Amount of output tax for the retailer and wholesaler.

  4. How much VAT does the retailer pay to the government?

  5. VAT is different from sales tax system. Explain and give reason to your answer

Jun 10, 2022

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