Social Impact of...

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Social Impact of Technology

Directions:Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

In your course, turn to Lesson 4. Skim through it to refresh your memory. Next, carefully study and review the section titled, “Ecological Challenges Facing Humanity.” Skim through that and then focus on the topic ofdeforestation.

Using your own words, write a short descriptive essay that defines and explains selected environmental impacts of deforestation. As you write, imagine you are talking to a friend who has no knowledge of this topic. In short, write the way you speak, using a conversational tone. Also, try to alternate short sentences and longer sentences to make your writing more readable.

Be sure to create a title and cite yourself as the author. For example:

Environmental Impacts of Deforestation
Jennifer Croft

Your essay should include five paragraphs, as follows:

  • Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say about these three topics: disruption of the carbon cycle, disruption of the hydrologic (water) cycle, and the reduction of species diversity.

  • Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs.

    • Paragraph 2 should describe how deforestation disrupts the carbon cycle.

    • In paragraph 3, you’ll write about how deforestation disrupts the hydrologic (water) cycle.

    • In paragraph 4, you’ll explain how deforestation is related to declining species diversity.

  • Paragraph 5 is your conclusion paragraph. Here, you can describe how you feel about the three effects of deforestation discussed, and what we might do about it.

It’s permissible to use direct quotes from your reading, but don’t use too many. One to three such quotes should be your limit. Be sure to put a direct quote in quotation marks. For example: According to Smith, “Carbon dioxide is both our friend and our enemy.”

Begin by writing a first draft. Then, edit and rework your material to make it clear and concise. After you have reached a final draft, proofread the essay one last time to locate and correct grammar and spelling errors.

Answered 1 days AfterMar 06, 2021

Answer To: Social Impact of...

Sumita Mitra answered on Mar 08 2021
158 Votes
Hello John, today I would tell you about deforestation and its impact on the environment. This would help you to understand the importance of
trees in our lives and ecosystem.
Impact to the environment due to deforestation:
Deforestation is the activity where there is large scale removal or felling of trees, either from forests or other lands for various human activities. This is majorly done to create farmlands, space for human settlements and also for utilisation of wood for various human needs. This act is a serious environmental issue and concern as it leads to loss of biodiversity, damage to natural habitats and reduction of species diversity, disturbances in the water and carbon cycle, and soil erosion. All these damages the natural ecosystem of all the living things and also causes severe damage to the next generations to come.
So John, let me tell you about few impacts of deforestation in detail.
Disruption of Carbon cycle due to deforestation:
The deforestation activity has a damaging impact on the carbon cycle. This is also called as the greenhouse effect and global warming in common language. If we see the statistics, then we can know that about one and half billion tons of carbon are released annually into the atmosphere due to deforestation globally. In other words, this means that the level of oxygen is going down gradually and hence the micro climate gets affected leading to climate change and increase in the pollution level. There is also a gradual increase in the minimum temperature in our planet due to the reduction of trees every year. Trees and...

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