Microsoft Word - MMK295 T3 Assessment 2 - Assignment 1B with template.docx Deakin'sBachelorofCommerceandMBAareinternationallyEPASaccredited. DeakinBusinessSchoolisaccreditedbyAACSB....

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So I only need part of the assignment done which is Traditional Marketing Communication mix- Analysis and Digital Communication- Analysis.I have also provided my assignment 1A and the assignment brief. Please make sure that these 2 parts are strong and all the information needed is given as I need to do really well in this assignment, thank you.

Microsoft Word - MMK295 T3 Assessment 2 - Assignment 1B with template.docx Deakin'sBachelorofCommerceandMBAareinternationallyEPASaccredited. DeakinBusinessSchoolisaccreditedbyAACSB. MMK295–IntegratedMarketingCommunicationsintheDigitalAge T3,2019 SummativeAssessmentTask1(Group)–PartB DUEDATEANDTIME: Week10,29/01/2020,5:00PMAEST PERCENTAGEOFFINALGRADE: 35% HURDLEDETAILS: N/A LearningOutcomeDetails UnitLearningOutcome(ULO) GraduateLearningOutcome(GLO) ULO1:Applyfundamentalintegratedmarketingcommunication theoriesandframeworkstodifferentcontexts. GLO1:Discipline-specificknowledgeand capabilities ULO2:CriticallyanalyseandreflectonhowentitiesutiliseIMC theoriesandframeworkstodevelopandachievebetteroutcomes. GLO4:Criticalthinking AssessmentFeedback: Studentswhosubmittheirworkbytheduedatewillreceivetheirmarksandfeedbackon CloudDeakinwithin15workingdays. Description/Requirements First,youmustjoinagroup(uptothreepeople)onCloudDeakin.PleaseenrolyourgrouponCloudDeakin. Youcanalsousethediscussionboard-AssessmentDiscussions-FindingaGroup–tohelpfindgroup members. Next,developanintegratedmarketingcommunicationsplaninrelationtoasegmentation,targeting, differentiationandpositioningstrategyforHamptonTravel&Cruise,asoutlinedinyourAssessmentBrief. Indoingso,youwillneedto: 1. ProvideasummaryofAssignment1A. 2. ProfileandunderstandthetwosegmentsoutlinedintheAssessmentBriefandexaminethe company’smarketingobjectivesastheyrelatetothesesegments. 3. Describeandanalysethebrand’scurrenttraditionalmarketingcommunicationmixandevaluatethe effectivenessoftheirprimarymethodswithreferencetothesegmentsprovidedintheAssessment Brief.Chooseonlytwoorthreeelementstofocuson.Greateremphasisshouldbeplacedonthe evaluationandrecommendations,ratherthandetailingthecurrentuse. 4. Describeandanalysethebrand’scurrentdigitalmarketingcommunicationmixandevaluatethe effectivenessoftheirprimarymethodswithreferencetothesegmentsprovidedintheAssessment Page2of5 Brief.Greateremphasisshouldbeplacedontheevaluationandrecommendations,ratherthan detailingthecurrentuse. 5. Makerecommendationsaboutthedirectionthebrandshouldtakewithrelationtohowitwill integratewiththeoverallmarketingcommunicationsstrategy.Recommendationsshouldbejustified withrelationtotheoverallpaper,andshouldbetailoredtoatleastoneofthesegmentsoutlinedin theAssessmentBrief. Section EvaluationCriteria Word limit1 Marks Contentspage One-pagelistingreportsections N/A N/A Background SummarizetheinformationpresentedinPartA. Providereferencedinformationaboutthebrandand industry,andwhatthecompany’svaluepropositionis. Indicate,basedonPartA,whatyouarguethecompany’s message,targetmarket,andbrandpositionshouldbe. ~300 10 Segmentation andTargeting Provideanin-depthprofileofatleastoneofthetwo differentsegmentsidentifiedinyourassessmentbrief andanswerthefollowingquestions: Atwhichlevelofbrandawarenessthroughtotrialor loyaltyarethey? Giventhebrand’smarketingobjectivesforthe assessment,whatspecificgoalsshouldtheyfocuson(e.g. enhancethebrand’simage,motivatebehaviour,build awareness,etc.)toachievethisobjective? Supportandjustifyyourarguments. ~400 15 Traditional Marketing Communication Mix-Analysis Describeandanalysethebrand’sprimarilyused(twoor three)TraditionalMarketingCommunicationelements (e.g.Advertising,DirectMarketing,Sponsorship,etc.). Usespecificexamplesforeach. Withreferencetoatleastoneofthetwosegments, evaluatetheeffectivenessoftheseelementsfocusingon theirstrengths,weaknesses,andwithrelationtorelevant IMCtheories(e.g.communicationandpersuasion). Greateremphasisshouldbeplacedontheevaluationand justification,ratherthanondescribingthecurrentusage. ~500 20 Digital Communication- Analysis Describeandanalysethebrand’suseofDigitalMarketing Communication. ~500 20 Page3of5 Evaluatetheeffectivenessoftheirdigitalmarketing, focusingontheirstrengths,weaknesses,andwith relationtorelevantIMCtheories(e.g.communication andpersuasion). Usingatleastoneofthetwodifferentsegments, evaluatetheeffectivenessoftheseelementsfocusingon theirstrengths,weaknesses,andwithrelationtorelevant IMCtheories(e.g.communicationandpersuasion). Greateremphasisshouldbeplaceontheevaluationand justification,ratherthanondescribingthecurrentusage. Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy Basedonyouranalysisoftheeffectivenessofthebrand’s currentstrategies,makestrategic,integrated recommendationsaboutthedirectionthebrandshould take. Makerecommendationsusingbothtraditionalanddigital media;includerelevantprogramevaluationinformation. Includeaminimumofthreestrategicrecommendations, withafocusondigital. Specificquantitativeevaluationisnotnecessaryor expected(e.g.ROI,CPM)butrecommendationsmustbe justified(e.g.withrespecttoobjectives). Yourrecommendationsshouldbetailoredtoatleastone ofthesegments.Recommendationsshouldbeexplained andjustifiedwithrelationtohowitwillintegrateand synergizewiththeoverallmarketingcommunications strategy. Yourrecommendationsmustgivesomefocusastohow thebrandcantargetatleastonetheirtwodifferent segments(outlinedintheassessmentbrief)without alienatingtheothersegment,usinganintegrated approach. ~1100 35 Conclusion Summarizeyourpapersuccinctly,includingthebrand’s valueproposition,targetmarket,andmajorstrengthsor weaknessesasdiscussed.Summarizeyour recommendationsforthecompany. ~200 10 Communication andReferences Workmustbewell-written,withnoerrorsinspelling, punctuation,andgrammar. Evidencemustbeusedtojustifyarguments(must includesomeacademic/scholarlysources). n/a 15 Page4of5 Documentsrequireembeddedcitationsandareference listutilizingHarvardReferencingStyle.Othersupport, marketingstimuli,etc.mustbeincludedinanappendix andproperlyreferencedin-text. 3000 words 125 marks Notes: • Wordlimitsforeachsectionaremeantonlyasaguide.Onlythetotalwordlimit(3000words) willbeevaluated. • StudentsmustcorrectlyusetheHarvardstyleofreferencing. SubmissionInstructions Stepstocompleteandsubmitassignment 1. Assignmenttitlepage–Ensurethatnameandstudentnumberislisted. 2. SubmissionintoCloudDeakindropbox: i. Doesitexceedthe3000wordlimit? ii. Isitaworddoc?(don’tusePDF) iii. DidyouuseHarvardreferencingstyle? iv. Have I uploaded themost recent file? If you do twouploads only themost recentuploadwillbesaved.Itwillreplacethepreviousupload 3. Assignment return - Themarked assignment will be returnedwithin 15 working days of submissiondate. Youmustkeepabackupcopyofeveryassignmentyousubmit,untilthemarkedassignmenthas beenreturnedtoyou.Intheunlikelyeventthatoneofyourassignmentsismisplaced,youwillneed tosubmityourbackupcopy. Anyworkyousubmitmaybecheckedbyelectronicorothermeansforthepurposesofdetecting collusionand/orplagiarism. WhenyouarerequiredtosubmitanassignmentthroughyourCloudDeakinunitsite,youwillreceive anemailtoyourDeakinemailaddressconfirmingthatithasbeensubmitted.Youshouldcheckthat you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after upload,andcheckfor,andkeep,theemailreceiptforthesubmission. Page5of5 Notes • Penalties for late submission: The followingmarkingpenaltieswill apply if yousubmitan assessmenttaskaftertheduedatewithoutanapprovedextension:5%willbedeductedfrom availablemarksforeachdayuptofivedays,andworkthatissubmittedmorethanfivedays aftertheduedatewillnotbemarked.Youwillreceive0%forthetask.'Day'meansworking dayforpapersubmissionsandcalendardayforelectronicsubmissions.TheUnitChairmay refusetoacceptalatesubmissionwhereitisunreasonableorimpracticabletoassessthetask aftertheduedate. • Exceedingwordlength:Foranyassignmentexceedingtheoverallassignmentlength,10% oftheavailablemarkswillbedeductedforevery10%ofthatwordlimit,toa50%maximum penaltyonallstudents.Thewordcountdoesnotincludeyoursubmissiondetails,tableof contentspage,referencelist,andappendices.Itdoesincludeanytables,figures,and figure/tableheadings. • Extensions:ExtensionscanonlybeapprovedbytheUnitChair(DrVirginia Weber).Extensionscanbegrantedfordocumentedseriousillness(notjustonthedaythe assignmentisdue!)orforcompassionatereasonsunderextenuatingcircumstances.The unitchaircanasktoseehowmuchworkhasbeencompletedbeforegrantinganextension. WorkorholidayreasonsareNOTgroundsforanextension–youareexpectedtomanage theseissuesaspartofyourstudies.Extensionsmayonlybegrantedbeforetheduedate andwillnotbegrantedontheduedate,atwhichpointstudentsmustapplyforSpecial Consideration. • Formore information about academicmisconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the documentYour rights and responsibilities as a student inthisUnit in the first foldernext totheUnitGuideof theResourcesarea in the CloudDeakinunitsite. • Buildingevidenceofyourexperiences,skillsandknowledge(Portfolio)-Buildingaportfolio thatevidencesyourskills,knowledgeandexperiencewillprovideyouwithavaluabletoolto helpyouprepareforinterviewsandtoshowcasetopotentialemployers.Thereareanumber of toolsthatyoucanusetobuildaportfolio. Youareprovidedwithcloudspacethrough OneDrive,orthroughthePortfoliotoolintheCloudUnitSite,butyoucanuseanystorage repositorysystemthatyoulike.RememberthataPortfolioisYOURtool.Youshouldbeable tostoreyourassessmentwork, reflections,achievementsandartefacts inYOURPortfolio. Onceyouhavecompletedthisassessmentpiece,addittoyourpersonalPortfoliotouseand showcaseyourlearninglater,whenapplyingforjobs,orfurtherstudies.Curateyourworkby addingmeaningfultagstoyourartefactsthatdescribewhattheartefactrepresents. Microsoft Word - MMK295 T3 2019 - Assessment Brief.docx MMK295 T3 2019 Assessment Brief THE SCENARIO The scenario for this assignment is that Hampton Travel & Cruise has come to you for consultation on integrated marketing communications. Hampton Travel & Cruise would like to increase their number of consumers. This means growing their database of potential consumers and increasing penetration in their target segments. Hampton has identified two potential target segments in which they can potentially grow their database. These are 1) an ageing client base, who are reducing their travel time; and 2) a demographic of 25-55 year-olds who typically prefer to book online. Your job is to help them accomplish their goals. What this means is developing a viable (to implement) marketing and communications plan to help capture a strong and strategic segment of consumers. It will require considering those segments and profiling who you believe will be a profitable target consumer, justifying that decision, and constructing a plan to communicate effectively with that segment. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES In Assignment 1 Part A, you will: • Critically assess Hampton Travel & Cruise’s current communication messages • Identify and profile a profitable segment for Hampton Travel & Cruise • Examine how effectively Hampton Travel & Cruise’s communicate message currently targets these consumers, and which target(s) they succeed at targeting with these existing communications In Assignment 1 Part B, you will: • Summarize Part A, including any critical issues with the current communication strategy • Profile Hampton Travel & Cruise’s current modes of communicating their message to consumers – i.e., which IMC elements are they using, and how effective is this? • Provide recommendations for a marketing communications program to assist Hampton Travel & Cruise in achieving its goals • Provide insight into how Hampton Travel & Cruise should improve its digital channels MMK295 T3 2019 Assessment Brief YOUR STRATEGY The goal of this project (parts A & B combined) is to develop an integrated marketing communications plan. In doing so, you will need to: 1) Understand the target market’s psychographic needs, wants, values in relation to the industry 2) Evaluate the communication message from the company in relation to this target market 3) Describe and analyse Hampton Travel & Cruise’s current traditional marketing communication mix, evaluate the effectiveness of their primary methods, and make recommendations where applicable. 4) Describe and analyse Hampton Travel & Cruise’s current digital marketing communication mix, evaluate the effectiveness of their digital marketing, and make recommendations where applicable. Your recommended strategy can include paid media (e.g., social media advertising, display ads etc) and owned media (e.g., Hampton Travel & Cruise’s websites, email lists etc.). However, consideration for paid activity should include relevant metrics. The recommendations should be feasible for this company to implement. For each of your recommendations, you should provide an example of the tactics to be used, which channels will be utilised, and why you have selected these channels. For each recommendation, you should include the metrics that you will use to measure success and/or discussion of the necessary spending required, with justification for large spends. HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS YOU MAY CONSIDER AS YOU DEVELOP YOUR STRATEGY: • What is Hampton Travel & Cruise’s value proposition for their target consumers? • How can Hampton Travel & Cruise achieve maximum cut-through to desired audience? • How should Hampton Travel & Cruise go about raising brand awareness? • What area/geographical considerations should there be? • Which channels should Hampton Travel & Cruise use to acquire customers and why? • What are the strategies Hampton Travel & Cruise can implement to attract customers, via social media, or otherwise? • How are Hampton Travel & Cruise’s competitors using media and how does that compare or contrast to your recommended strategy? • How should Hampton Travel & Cruise grow social media community engagement? • How can Hampton Travel & Cruise foster social ‘word of mouth’? • How does Hampton Travel & Cruise measure success? MMK295 T3 2019 Assessment Brief SOME POTENTIAL STARTING POINTS • support-services/travel-agency-tour-arrangement-services.html • • • • industry-fact-sheet FINAL NOTES In order to do well on these assignments, any arguments you make about any topic (i.e., type of communication, how effective it is for the target market, the effectiveness of different IMC tools, why your strategy is best, etc) need to be justified. This means providing a reason or explanation for why your point is correct, or most logical, or best suited for the company or strategy. Justification may occur by referencing industry sources, but should also come from referencing academic/scholarly sources. Refer to your Unit Guide for some recommended academic journals in which to begin searching for information to support your claims. Assessment 1B MMK295 Trimester 3 2019 Integrated Marketing Recommendations for Hampton Travel & Cruise Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Student Names Student Numbers Table of Contents 1.Background.3 2.Segmentation & Targeting.3 3.Traditional Tools: Analysis.3 4.Digital Tools: Analysis.4 5.Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy.4 5.1.Traditional. (OPTIONAL SUBHEADING)4 5.2.Digital. (OPTIONAL SUBHEADING)4 6.Conclusion.4 Reference List.5 1. Background.[Delete this box before submission] Your Assessment must be formatted as follows: · Word document format only, A4 size (NO PDF) · 12 point, Times New Roman font · Fully justified paragraphs, 1.5 or double spaced · Normal margins (2.54 cm left, right, top and bottom) · Add any images you want as figures either in-line or in an appedix, and make minor updates (titles, subheadings, background images, etc) as desired. Provide a brief opening, and summarize your evaluation of the company from Part A. What is the position and/or value proposition of the brand, and what is or is not effective about their current communication and position for each target. Indicate if you feel the message, target, or position needs to change, and if so, in what way. Delete this text before you submit. 2. Segmentation & Targeting. NOTE: Do NOT include a table. Focus on making an argument about awareness/trial that helps you identify objectives for the company. Make sure the segment(s) you focus on flow from what you say in your background about the position or targets – meaning that if you say they need a new target, or to shift their target, profile that target in depth here. You may also continue with the segments from the assessment brief and 1A. Write objective(s) for the segment(s) you discuss. Justify this objective. Delete this text before you submit. 3. Traditional Tools: Analysis. 4. Digital Tools: Analysis. 5. Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy. 5.1. Traditional. (OPTIONAL SUBHEADING) 5.2. Digital. (OPTIONAL SUBHEADING) 6. Conclusion. Make sure to summarize overall, including summarizing what you feel are the core recommendations. Remember to check your wordcount. 3000 is the limit, including in-line citations (but not your reference list). Upload your assignment as a .doc (and not a pdf)! Remember to delete this text. Reference List
Answered Same DayJan 24, 2021MMK295Deakin University

Answer To: Microsoft Word - MMK295 T3 Assessment 2 - Assignment 1B with template.docx...

Moumita answered on Jan 24 2021
147 Votes
Assessment 1B
MMK295 Trimester 3 2019
Integrated Marketing Recommendations for Hampton Travel & Cruise
    Name 1
    Name 2
    Name 3
    Student Names
    Student Numbers
Table of Contents
Traditional Tools: Anal
ysis    4
Digital Tools: Analysis    5
References    7
Traditional Tools: Analysis
In the field of the discussion of Hampton’s traditional tools analysis, it can be seen that the company is adopting various parameters and tool in case of increasing their area of the working domain. To increase the business assets Hampton follows a series of strategies and guidelines. From the advertising policy to the sponsorship, every step is made in a calculative manner. Hampton’s primarily used tools are brand promotional advertisements and various types of direct marketing policies (Gburová, 2018.). All of those traditional tools play an important role in the business-market improvement policy of the Hampton. Advertising through traditional media such as advertisements in televisions and through radio has been adopted as a method of communication regarding the quality services being provided by Hampton to its valuable customers. Direct mail marketing is another traditional tool of marketing with its significant presence till date. This involves creating awareness in the customers through postcards, brochures and letters being sent through emails. Print and broadcast media are the most popular traditional media on which Hampton relies to communicate the world class facilities it provides. This is helps Hampton to attract a lot of customers and maintain a strong customer base. Holdings and printed posters have been a method of cheap mass communication and tend to develop a sense of belongingness among the people thus helping to develop strong brand awareness and brand loyalty.
The main strength of those tools can be discussed here. The direct marketing policies and the advertising policies can act as a direct stimulator in the customers’ interest (Sharifi et al., 2019). This will help Hampton to reach its local target audiences all at once in a cost effective manner. Having the hard copy of advertisement regarding the services being provided adds additional benefit to capture the minds of potential customers. Since, Hampton has targeted older people and has...

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