So I am getting an error when I submit my c++ code. The prompt for the hw was as follows: Create 2 functions: 1) Degrees2Radians: which has input Degrees, and returns Radians 2) Drawline: which takes...

So I am getting an error when I submit my c++ code. The prompt for the hw was as follows:

Create 2 functions:
1) Degrees2Radians: which has input Degrees, and returns Radians
2) Drawline: which takes two parameters: a character and numRepetitions and prints the character numRepetitions times, followed by a newline

Inside main()
For values between 0 and 360, in 5 degree increments:
calculate and print the value of sin (degrees),
After every 90 degrees, print out a line of 30 dashes (minus signs '-')

Extra information required:

#include // for sin function

In order to have the precise format we want:
Put this at the top of main:

cout.setf(ios::showpoint); // show decimals even if not needed
cout.precision(5); // show 5 digits to right of decimal

My code:



using namespace std;

int i, j;

const double PI = 3.14159;

double Degrees2Radians()


int degree;

double radian;

cin >> degree;

// converting degrees into radians

radian = degree * (PI / 180);

return radian;


// this function will show the character numRepetitions times

void Drawline(char a, int numRepetitions)


// in this loop, character is displayed numRepetitions times

for (i = 1; i <= numrepetitions;="">

cout <><>


int main(void)





double radian; // to store the value of radians

// in this loop, the values for radians is

// displayed, after every 5 degrees

for (i = 0; i <= 360;="" i="i" +="">


// converting degrees into radians

radian = i * (PI / 180);

// display The result

cout < "sin("="">< (i)="">< ")=" << sin(radian) << endl;

// in this if, a line of 30 dashes will be

// displayed, after every 90 degree

if (i % 90 == 0)


for (j = 0; j < 30; j++)

cout << ">

cout <>



// calling the functions


Drawline('a', 5);


Below I have attached an image of the error I get when I compile and run my code. It seems to give me (a) at the end that need to be removed. How do I remove them?

PRETTY DIFF<br>This diff is colored to make it clear what parts of the output are wrong. Green indicates things in the correct output that you are mlssing, red<br>indicates things in your output that shouldn't be there.<br>The - character refers to newlines, so the green e character refers a newline you are missing in your output and the red refers to a newline you<br>need to remove from your output.<br>69 sin(320)<br>70 sin(325)<br>71 sin(330)<br>72 sin(335)<br>73 sin(340)<br>74 sin(345)<br>75 sin(350)<br>76 sin(355)<br>77 sin(360)<br>= -0.64279<br>= -0.573584<br>= -0.500004<br>= -0.422624<br>-0.342024<br>-0.258824<br>= -0.17365e<br>-0.08716e<br>-0.00001e<br>78<br>79<br>80<br>81<br>82<br>83<br>84<br>

Extracted text: PRETTY DIFF This diff is colored to make it clear what parts of the output are wrong. Green indicates things in the correct output that you are mlssing, red indicates things in your output that shouldn't be there. The - character refers to newlines, so the green e character refers a newline you are missing in your output and the red refers to a newline you need to remove from your output. 69 sin(320) 70 sin(325) 71 sin(330) 72 sin(335) 73 sin(340) 74 sin(345) 75 sin(350) 76 sin(355) 77 sin(360) = -0.64279 = -0.573584 = -0.500004 = -0.422624 -0.342024 -0.258824 = -0.17365e -0.08716e -0.00001e 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
Jun 09, 2022

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