So far in this course, you have located an interviewee and prepared questions for the interview. You then conducted the interview and explained what you learned from it. This week, you will take what...

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So far in this course, you have located an interviewee and prepared questions for the interview. You then conducted the interview and explained what you learned from it. This week, you will take what you learned from your interview and apply it to what you have learned in this course thus far. As you do this, please define terms and phrases and explain differences as they apply.

Respond to the following questions in a 750- to 1,050-word paper. You are encouraged to use these questions as subheadings.

    1. If your interviewee/program is law enforcement–related, do you believe that what they do is more community policing or problem-solving policing? Why?

    2. If you were going to categorize what they do, would you say it is more crime control or crime prevention? Why?

    3. Is what they do more of restorative justice, diversion, counseling, incapacitation, or some other form of crime prevention/control?

    4. Does this person/program focus more on crime control or due process? Why?

    5. Do you see your interviewee/program as being part of the official (traditional) criminal justice system, or are they outside of it (private company)?

    6. Does your interviewee/program seem more in tune with the conservative belief that crime is based on a rational decision-making process and that diversion is best achieved by strong deterrents? Or does your interviewee/program take more of a liberal approach, where social, physical, and psychological issues factor in and treatment and counseling are viewed as being more effective? Explain.

    7. Which of the goals of crime control (deterrence, retribution, incapacitation, rehabilitation) do you think best describes what your interviewee does? Explain.

    8. What are your personal views of what your interviewee does? Do you believe this impacts crime control/crime prevention?

    9. What suggestions would you make to improve the interviewee’s efforts?

Answered 1 days AfterJan 03, 2021

Answer To: So far in this course, you have located an interviewee and prepared questions for the interview. You...

Parul answered on Jan 05 2021
154 Votes
Question1 If your interviewee/program is law enforcement–related, do you believe that what they do is more community policing or problem-solving policing? Why?
Ans1. Yes, I do believe that law enforcement is more community policing rather
than problem-solving policing. I think community policing is a form of authority that brings police as well as citizens together as one unit in order to stop crimes and resolve issues in the neighbourhood. By the virtue of community policing there is a strong focus on preventing the crime to happen. In this form citizen are given tremendous amount of control over the quality of life in their community. Essentially community policing implies that the police becomes the part of the society as well as neighbourhood. Therefore, this helps the police to better assess the requirement of the residents as well as embark a strong relationship with the community.
Question2 If you were going to categorize what they do, would you say it is more crime control or crime prevention? Why?
Ans2. Crime prevention and crime control have the same underlying goal which is to prevent the occurrence of future criminal actions. However, the difference between the two is that prevention comes in to consideration outside of the confine of the formal justice systems. However, I strongly believe prevention of crime is than controlling crime since it is more proactive approach to reduce illegal and harmful actions. Comprehending the recent trends, analysing the behaviour of individuals especially those who have already committed crime and strategizing initiatives that can help police to curb the criminal acts in their buds.
Question3 Is what they do more of restorative justice, diversion, counselling, incapacitation, or some other form of crime prevention/control?
Ans3. By the virtue of this course and learnings gained from practical assignments I strongly believe that law and justice system of the country focuses more on Restorative Justice rather than diversion, counselling or even incapacitation. Indeed, restorative justice forms a strong foundation of criminal justice that focuses on rehabilitation of offenders by incorporating reconciliations programs as well as community service at large.
Question4 Does this person/program focus more on crime control or due process? Why?
Ans4- Well, I think the present program of law enforcement focuses...

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