Unit assessment pack (UAP) Australian College of the Professions RTO No XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS No. 03608K ACP-SITHCCC012 V XXXXXXXXXXLW XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 90 SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes LEARNER...

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Answered Same DayMay 18, 2021SITXFSA001Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Unit assessment pack (UAP) Australian College of the Professions RTO No XXXXXXXXXXCRICOS No. 03608K...

Ankita answered on May 23 2021
139 Votes
Assessment 2.pdf
Assessment 2
1. The equipments were dismantled and cleaned and checked before application in order to
avoid any damages during the process of food production.
2. Kitchen equipments that should be cleaned regularly: Aprons, Dishes, Blenders, Can
openers, Cheese graters, Cutting boards, Chef’s knife, Glove, Kitchen sears, Kitchen towels,
Measuring bowls and Measuring spoons, Microwaves, Mixing bowls, Paring knife, Pots and
pans, Saucepans, Salad spinners, Serrated knifes, Steamers, Tongs, Vegetable peelers,
3. Storage of Chicken: Raw chicken- stored in leakproof bag at freezer
4. Based on the appearance, freshness, nutritional value, taste and texture the chicken obtained
was in good quality
5. For cleaning purposes, commercial cleaning and sanitising agents should be usedv along
with proper garbage bins and bags. Utilisation of separate hand basin and liquid soap dispenser
helps in maintaining the food safety. However, tea towels must be avoided in order to prevent
bacterial infection.
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SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes
SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
Student ID:
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessment Attempt Initial / Second / Re- Assessment
Completion Status Complete / In Complete
Completion Date:

Assessed by:

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• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly
referenced any sources used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a
form of malpractice;
• I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and
reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack;
• For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor of this assessment the
permission to:
o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and
o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this
assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its
database for future plagiarism checking).

Student signature:
Unit Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet
Student and Trainer/Assessor Details
Student ID
Student name
Mobile No
Email address
Trainer/Assessor name
Student Declaration

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Assessment Plan
To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the
following assessment tasks.

Evidence recorded Evidence Type/ Method of assessment Sufficient evidence
Unit Assessment Task 1 Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)
S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Unit Assessment Task 2 Role play (RP) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Unit Assessment Task 3 Unit Skills Test (UST) S / NS (First Attempt)
S / NS (Second Attempt)
Final result C/NYC Date assessed
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Unit purpose/application
Training and assessment resources required for this unit of competency
Assessment Conditions
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a
range of poultry dishes following standard recipes. It requires the ability to select, prepare and
portion poultry, and to use relevant equipment, cookery and food storage methods.
The unit applies to cooks working in hospitality and catering organisations. This could include
restaurants, educational institutions, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, kiosks, cafes,
residential caterers, in-fli
ght and other transport caterers, and event and function caterers.
It applies to individuals who work under the guidance of more senior chefs. They demonstrate
autonomy and judgement to complete routine activities and take limited responsibility in known and
stable contexts within established parameters.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the
time of publication.

• Select ingredients
• Select, prepare and use equipment.
• Portion and prepare ingredients.
• Cook poultry dishes.
• Present poultry dishes.
The student will have access to the following:
• Learner guide
• PowerPoint presentation
• Unit Assessment Pack (UAP)
• Access to other learning materials such as textbooks
The resources required for these assessment tasks also included:
• Access to a computer, the Internet and word-processing system such as MS Word.
• Business related environment area, this can be a:
o Real industry workplace
o Simulated industry environment
• Codes of practice and standards issued by government regulators or industry groups
What the student can expect to learn by studying this unit of competency
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Academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion

The learner shall be given one chance to resubmit their assessment after consulting with the trainer on
the improvement areas.

Re-assessment fees-

Assessment- $180 per assessment
Practical/ Examination- $100 per practical/examination

Late Assessment fees-
Up to 2 days late - $25 per assessment
From 3 up to 5 days late - $50 per assessment
More than 5 days late - $180 per assessment
If the assessment has been found to be plagiarised there will be no second attempt for the student
and the student will be deemed incompetent
Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging
the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas.
As a student, youare required to:
• Undertake studies and research responsibly and with honesty and integrity
• Ensure that academic work is in no way falsified
• Seek permission to use the work of others, where required
• Acknowledge the work of others appropriately
• Take reasonable steps to ensure other students cannot copy or misuse yourwork.

Plagiarism means to take and use another person's ideas and or manner of expressing them and to
pass them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes material
sourced from the internet, RTO staff, other students, and from published and unpublished work.
Plagiarism occurs when you fail to acknowledge that the ideas or work of others arebeing used,
which includes:
• Paraphrasing and presenting work or ideas without a reference
• Copying work either in whole or in part
• Presenting designs, codes or images as yourown work
• Using phrases and passages verbatim without quotation marks or referencing the author or
web page
• Reproducing lecture notes without proper acknowledgement.
Submission instructions
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Other important unit-specific information
Unit outcome
Foundation Skills

Collusion means unauthorised collaboration on assessable work (written, oral or practical) with
other people. This occurs when a student presents group work as their own or as the work of
someone else.
Collusion may be with another RTO student or with individuals or students external to the RTO. This
applies to work assessed by any educational and training body in Australia or overseas.
Collusion occurs when youwork without the authorisation of the teaching staff to:
• Work with one or more people to prepare and produce work
• Allow others to copy your work or share your answer to an assessment task
• Allow someone else to write or edit yourwork (without RTO approval)
• Write or edit work for another student
• Offer to complete work or seek payment for completing academic work for other students.
Both collusion and plagiarism can occur in group work. For examples of plagiarism, collusion and
academic misconduct in group work please refer to the RTO’s policy on academic integrity,
plagiarism and collusion.
Plagiarism and collusion constitute cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who
engage in plagiarism and collusion as outlined in RTO’s policy.
Proven involvement in plagiarism or collusion may be recorded on students’ academic file and could
lead to disciplinary action.
• This unit is not graded and the student must complete and submit all requirements for the
assessment task for this cluster or unit of competencyto be deemed competent.
• Students will receive a 'satisfactorily completed' (S) or 'not yet satisfactorily completed (NS)
result for each individual unit assessment task (UAT).
• The final unit result will be recorded as competency achieved/competent (C) or competency
not yet achieved/not yet competent (NYC).
SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety

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Principles of assessment and rules of evidence
AQF Level
Further Information
The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (learning, oral communication, reading, writing,
numeracy, digital technologyand employment skills) that are essential to performance. Foundation skills
essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency.
• Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991
• Food Standards Australia New Zealand Regulations 1994
• Imported Food Control Act 1992
• Food Act 1984
• Food Act 2006
• Food Regulation 2006
• Food Production (Safety) Act 2000
• Food Production (Safety) Regulation 2014
• Food Act 2003
• Food Regulation 2015
• Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
• Age Discrimination Act 2004
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992
• Racial Discrimination Act 1975
• Sex Discrimination Act 1984
• Code of ethics and codes of conduct
• Ethical Principles in the Workplace
• Codes of practice
• The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)
• Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
• Work Health and Safety Act of 2011
All assessment tasks will ensure that the principles of assessment and rules of evidence are adhered
The principles of assessment are that assessment must be valid, fair, flexible, reliable and consistent.
The rules of evidence state that evidence must be sufficient, valid, current and authentic.
AQF levels and the AQF levels criteria are an indication of the relative complexity and/or depth of
achievement and the autonomy required to demonstrate that achievement.

All assessment tasks must ensure compliance with the requirements of the AQF level and the AQF
level criteria. For more information, please visit http://www.aqf.edu.au/
For further information about this unit go tohttps://training.gov.au/Training/Details/SITHCCC012
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Additional Information
• This information will be managed by the provisions of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of
Information Act.)
• Students are required to satisfactorilycomplete and submit all assessment tasks that
contribute to the assessment for a unit.
• Students will be provided with one more attempt to complete this Unit assessment pack
(UAP) if trainer/assessor deems them not satisfactorily completed (NS) in any Unit
assessment task (UAT).
• Unit Pre-Assessment Checklist (UPAC) will be reviewed by the trainer/assessor to ensure
the student is ready for the assessment.
• Feedback regarding this Unit Assessment Pack (UAP) can be emailed to the compliance
and quality assurance department/administration department in your RTO for
continuously improving our assessment and student resources.
Feedback to student
Feedback on students’ assessment performance is a vital element in their learning. Its purpose is to
justify to students how their competency was assessed, as well as to identify and reward specific
qualities in their work, to recommend aspects needing improvement, and to guide students on what
steps to take.
Feedback defines for students what their trainer/assessor thinks is important for a topic or a subject.
At its best, feedback should:
• Be provided for each Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
• Guide students to adapt and adjust their learning strategies
• Guide trainers/assessors to adapt and adjust teaching to accommodate students’ learning
• Be a pivotal feature of learning and assessment design, not an add-on ritual
• Focus on course and unit learning outcomes
• Guide students to become independent and self-reflective learners and their own critics
• Acknowledge the developmental nature of learning.

If students have not received proper feedback, they must speak to the compliance and quality
assurance department/administration department in the RTO/person responsible for looking after
the quality and compliance services of the RTO.

For more information, please refer to the RTO Student Handbook.
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Unit Pre-Assessment Checklist (UPAC)
UAT 1 – Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)
Purpose of the checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The
trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the
assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the
requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment
task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Students
• Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this
• Please make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks
to be completed.
• Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
• Please make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
• Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate
these with your trainer/assessor).
• Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type
the answers).
• Please ensure thatyou have all the required resources needed to complete this Unit
Assessment Task (UAT).
• Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.
• In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extensionto submit an
assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor.
• Evidence of the compelling and compassionate circumstances must be provided together
with your request for anextension to submit yourassessment work.
• Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due
date of this assessment task.
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Unit Assessment Task (UAT)
Assessment Task 1 - Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)

Assessment type:
• Written Questions

Assessment task description:
• This is the first (1) unit assessment task you have to successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
• The Unit Knowledge Test is comprised of fifteen (15) short answer type questions.
• You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor.
• You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide the number of points, to be
deemed satisfactory in this task
• You will receive your feedback within two weeks - you will be notified byyour
Trainer/Assessor when results are available.

Applicable conditions:
• All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this means you are
able to refer to your textbook during the test).
• You must read and respond to all questions.
• You may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.
• You must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• As you complete this assessment taskyou are predominately demonstrating your written
skills and knowledge to yourtrainer/assessor.
• The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that
this is yourown work.

Resubmissions and reattempts:
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
• You must speak to your Trainer/Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this task
and require reasonable adjustments (e.g. can be given as an oral assessment)
• For more information, please refer to your RTO Student Handbook.

• This assessment task may be completed in a learning management system (i.e. Moodle) oran
independent learning environment.
• Yourtrainer/assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Instructions for answering written questions:
• Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.
• You will be required to correctly answer all the questions.
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• Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required from you. Read
the questions carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds, this will help you to
identify what is really needed.
• Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of relevant concepts,
critical thinking, and good writing skills.
• Be concise to the point and write answers according to the given word-limit to each question
and do not provide irrelevant information. Be careful, quantity is not quality.
• Be careful to use discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean,
or exclude individuals or groups on the basis of attributes such as gender, disability, culture,
race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.
• When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from the sources you are
using to write your answers/research yourwork, you must always acknowledge the source.
How yourtrainer/assessor will assess yourwork.
• This assessment task requires the student to answer all the questions.
• Answers must demonstrate the student’s understanding and knowledge of the unit.
• If all assessment tasks are deemed Satisfactory (S), then the unit outcome is Competent (C).
• If at least one of the assessment taskis deemed Not Satisfactory (NS), then the unit outcome
is Not Yet Competent (NYC).
• Once all assessment tasks allocated to this Unit of Competency have been undertaken,
trainer/assessor will complete an Assessment plan to record the unit outcome. The outcome
will be either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC).
• The “Assessment Plan” is available with the Unit Assessment Pack (UAP) – Cover Sheet.

Purpose of the assessment task:

This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities:
• Skill to identify, analyse and select food products and ingredients according to recipe,
quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements
• Skill to select, prepare and use equipment safely.
• Skill to portion, prepare ingredients according to recipe requirements.
• Skill to cook poultry dishes in a standard manner.
• Skill to present and store poultry dishes in the appropriate environment conditions
• Reading skills to collect, review, interpret/understand and analyse/review text-based recipe
information from a range/number of sources.
• Numeracy/numbers- mathematical skills to interpret/calculate the number of portion and
determine cooking times and temperature.
• Skill to contributions to the plating of a dish supports timely and quality food service.
• Skill to implement safety procedures and deal with the pressure of work inthe workplace
• Skill to interact/cooperate with others using appropriate conventions/systems when
communicating to, and consulting/discussing with staff members.
• Ability/skill to sequence/in order and schedule/plan activities and manage communication.
• Skill to analyse relevant/appropriate information to identify scope/range of work, goals and
objectives and to evaluate/review options/other choices.
Date :
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Assessment Task 1 - Unit Knowledge Test (UKT)

• This is an individual assessment.
• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge essential to
prepare and produce poultry dishes in a range of contexts and industry settings.
• To make full and satisfactory responses you should consult a range of learning resources,
other information such as handouts and textbooks, learners’ resources and slides.
• All questions must be answeredin order to gain competency in this assessment.
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Question 1.
a) List five (5) food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes.
portion control
quantities to be produced
special customer requests
special dietary requirements

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b) Why there is a need to calculate the ingredient amounts according to the requirement of the dish? Answer in 50-100
Measuring the ingredients helps to learn to cook better. Calculating the exact amount of ingredients aids in maintaining the consistency
of a particular dish so that every time the dish is prepared it tastes approximately the same. The capacity of human error is much
reduced when the ingredients are measured while preparing the dish. Also, once the ingredients are measured and known, it would be
easy in increasing the portion size of the dish without changing the consistency as proportional increase of the ingredients would be
helpful. Measuring the ingredients also ensures generation of less waste while cooking.

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Question 2. a) Explain the basic application of the following knives in one (1) or two (2)
sentences each.
• Chef’s knife
• Boning knife
• Paring knife

Chef’s knife
Chef's knife is also known as the multi purpose knife which is applied in cutting meat into
pieces, dicing and chopping vegetables, tofu and nuts and slicing herbs.

Boning knife
The thin, sharp, curved and flexible blades of Boning knives helps in cutting meats from bones
and joints. This type of knife is also used in de-skinning and peeling of fats from meats and

Paring knife
Paring knives are ideal for peeling and cutting small vegetables, herbs and fruits, deseeding of
fruits and emocval of veins from prawns.
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b) What are the factors to be considered to clean and maintain the equipment? What is the purpose of dismantling the
equipment before cleaning? Answer in 50-100 words.
Proper cleaning, Sanitizing and air drying are the basic factors that have to be taken care of to maintain equipments in kitchen.
However, along with these, cleaning of vent hood, duct and grease filter must be conducted regularly. Automatic extinguishing system
should be serviced within a span of 6 months.
Dismantling of kitchen equipments are much important before cleaning as it helps to keep the equipment clean along with increases
their efficiency and reduction of fires starting. The safety of the equipments are maintained by regular dismantling of equipments while
cleaning them.

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c) How do you ensure that you are using equipment safely and hygienically according to the manufacturer
instructions? Answer in 50-100 words.
The equipment should be used particularly from the job it is manufactured for. Maintenance of the equipment must be taken care of to
retain its safety. Proper investigation of wear and tear of the equipment must be checked after regular interval to ensure safety. The
noise levels and transmission of vibration are required to be checked in order to assess any changes. Proper cleaning and sanitization
of the equipment would maintain the hygiene along with maintenance of any particular instructions mentioned by the manufacturer.

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Question 3. a) According to food safety guidelines, how should frozen poultry be thawed? Give two (2) methods.
Microwave thawing and cold water thawing are two common methods of thawing frozen poultry according to food safety guidelines.
Microwave thawing is the fastest process of thawing, however, the poultry must be cooked immediately after microwave thawing. The
thawing process involves heating the poultry in microwave at 4.4 and 60ºC. Cold water thawing is comparatively a longer process than
microwave thawing where the poultry is placed in a leakproof bag and submerged into large bowl of cold water.

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b) List five (5) benefits of sorting and assembling ingredients before food production.
The benefits of sorting and assembling ingredients before production of food are listed below:
(i) enhances the food safety and hygiene
(ii) Inappropriate raw materials are removed in this step thus ensuring proper quality of the food
(iii) helps in removal of harmful and undesirable foreign particles, such as, stones, glasses and metals from entering the final food
(iv) sorting ensures production of uniform product
(v) Sorting and assembling of ingredients save time while cooking

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c) Discuss various methods to weigh and measure ingredients according to the recipes. Answer in 50-100 words.
Calibrated scales are used to weigh ingredients. Traditional scales (pound scales) and electronic scales are two ways to weigh the
ingredients. The range of weighing in traditional scales ranges from 2-50 pounds where as in electronic scales 10-50 pounds ingredients
can be weighed.
Measuring of volume can be conducted using measuring spoons, dry measuring and liquid measuring containers. In case of dry
ingredients, filling the ingredient in spoon and then levelling the top to flat surface helps in measuring an approximate amount. In order
to measure liquid ingredient, the container should be filled with ingredient and kept on levelled surface to check the volume. However,
while comparing measuring and weighing, weighing techniques are more accurate in food production.

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d) What do we mean by portioning food? How can you calculate the number of portions from a dish? Answer in 30-40
The amount of food allotted or served to one individual is called as portioning food.
The number of portions of a dish can be calculated by weighing the food item and dividing the final weight by individual serving size.

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Question 4. a) List any seven (7) poultrypreparation techniques according to recipe requirements.
(i) barding
(ii) de-boning
(iii) filleting
(iv) marinating
(v) rolling and trussing
(vi) stuffing
(vii) trimming

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b) List any seven (7) cookery methods used for poultry dishes.
(i) braising
(ii) deep-frying
(iii) grilling
(iv) poaching
(v) roasting and pot roasting
(vi) sautéing
(vii) stewing

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Question 5. List seven (7) tips to reduce waste and increase the profitability of food produced.
Tips to reduce waste and increase the profitability of food products are listed below:
(i) Measurement of food waste
(ii) Prediction of food orders
(iii) Practising good stock control
(iv) planning for utilisation of excess food
(v) composting
(vi) recycling
(vii) Application of reusable non-food items

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Question 6. a) List seven (7) marinades and five (5) accompaniments for poultry dishes.
Seven marinades for poultry dishes are:
(i) Acidic Marinade
(ii) Dairy Marinade
(iii) Enzyme Marinades
(iv) Wet Marinating
(v) Dry Marinating
(vi) Wet Rubs
(vii) Oil based marinade: oil, herbs and spices

Five accompaniments for poultry dishes are:
(i) Garlic Parmesan sweet potatoes
(ii) Lemon ginger spinach
(iii) Broccoli salad
(iv) Scalloped potatoes
(v) Grilled Asparagus

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b) List sauces and garnishes for poultry dishes according to standard recipes and regional variations. Name atleast five (5)
for each.
List of sauces for poultry dishes are:
White sauce
Veloute Sauce
Tomato Sauce
Savory Butter

List of garnishes for poultry dishes are:
(i) Parmesan cheese
(ii) Herbs (thyme, tarragon)
(iii) Cherry tomatoes
(iv) Cocktail onions or olives
(v) Carrot sticks
(vi) Wedged Lemon

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Question 7. a) In the table below what food quality adjustments can be made?


Sauces and dips
Addition of flavours

Contrasting flavoured garnishes can be added to create a visual impact

Flavourful seasoning of meat

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b) What are four (4) sequenced cuts used to carve poultry and why are they used?
The types of sequenced cuts used to carve poultry are:
(i) Chicken breast and Tenderloin: Used for preparation of stir-fries, grilled chicken, pan-fry, oven roast, baked or poached chicken
(ii) Chicken Thighs: Chicken thigh fillets contains more fats than the breasts and thus are used in casseroles or baked chicken
(iii) Chicken wings: These are used in baking in sticky glaze or marinades
(iv) Minced Chicken: The minced cuts are used in burgers, meatballs and rissoles

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Question 8. a) Give any five (5) adjustments that can be made in the presentation by visually evaluating the dish.
Any five adjustments that can be made in the presentation by visually evaluating the dish are:
(i) Appearance
(ii) texture
(iii) garnish
(iv) Arrangement
(v) Plating

Australian College of the Professions
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Page 30 of 90 ACP-SITHCCC012 V1.2020- LW
b) What is the right method and temperature to store poultry products or dishes? Answer in 50-100 words.
The raw poultry products should always be stored in leakproof plastic bags or in a bowl to ensure avoidance of any leakage or dripping
at 38 degrees- 40 degrees F. For storing the poultry products, the meat should be wrapped in freezer paper or aluminium foils to
maintain the air tight condition.
Cooked poultry dishes can be stored at refrigerator (40 degrees F) for 3-4 days

Australian College of the Professions
RTO No. 41201 CRICOS No. 03608K
Page 31 of 90 ACP-SITHCCC012 V1.2020- LW
Question 9. a) Listeight (8) steps to dispose of or store re-usable by-products according to the
organisational procedures and environmental considerations to ensure food safety.
The steps to dispose of or store re-usable by-products according to the organisational procedures and environmental considerations to
ensure food safety are:
(i) Removal of food scraps from kitchen regularly
(ii) Regular collection of garbage and not allowing the garbage to overflow
(iii) Cleaning the garbage containers
(iv) Usage of garbage liner garbage containers
(v) The lids of the containers should be tightly closed
(vi) Disposal of dangerous items, like glasses and metal items in separate containers
(vii) Avoidance of garbage containers to transfer ice
(viii) Washing the garbage containers and hands after handling the garbages

Australian College of the Professions
RTO No. 41201 CRICOS No. 03608K
Page 32 of 90 ACP-SITHCCC012 V1.2020- LW
b) What are the ten (10) steps to clean the kitchen equipment and premises safely according to the food safety
(i) Selection and preparation of cleaning agents and chemicals
(ii) cleaning and sanitising kitchen equipments
(iii)Storage of cleaned equipment in designated places
(iv) Items unappropriate for dishwashers must be hand washed
(v) Wiping the utensils and surfaces using paper towels
(vi) Disposal of broken equipments and ensuring that sufficient cleaned and undestroyed utensils are present
(vii) Cleaning and sanitisation of kitchen surfaces and food preparation areas for maintaining the safety of food
(viii) Sorting and disposing the kitchen waste promptly to prevent cross contamination
(ix) Application of high volume low pressure hose to clean the equipments and surfaces
(x) Regular maintenance is mandatory like filling holes and replacing damaged tiles

Australian College of the Professions
RTO No. 41201 CRICOS No. 03608K
Page 33 of 90 ACP-SITHCCC012 V1.2020- LW
Question 10. What are the requirements of mise en place for poultry dishes? Write your answer in 100-150 words.
The requirements of mise en place for poultry dishes are:
(i) Figuring out all the ingredients required for preparation of the dish
(ii) Preparation of the Ingredients which include:
(a) Preparation of uniform slices of poultry which are cut against the grain into thin slices and marination of the poultry using an
appropriate marinade
(b) Blanching, slicing and drying vegetables. The dried ingredients should be soaked and squeezed to remove excess water content.
The vegetables should be separated based on the cooking time.
(c) Preparation of garnishes and herbs
(d) The liquid seasonings like stocks and sauces should be prepared and set aside separately.
(e) The oil, salt and all other ingredients should be kept in the rational order so that it can be added accordingly.
(iii) Placing all the ingredients in consecutive positions near the cooking work area

Australian College of the Professions
RTO No. 41201 CRICOS No. 03608K
Page 34 of 90 ACP-SITHCCC012 V1.2020- LW
Question 11. Explain the historical and cultural origin of any one (1) poultry product or poultry dish. Write your answer in
150-200 words.
Poultry are the domesticated birds raised and maintained by humans for their eggs, meat or feathers. These birds are most typically
members of order Galliformes (which includes chickens, quails, and turkeys). The word "poultry" is originated from the French/Norman
word poule, which is adopted from the Latin word pullus, meaning small animal.
The domestication of poultry is occurring since several thousand years. The poultry sector has emerged via three phases, which are,
traditional systems, small scale semi commercial systems and large scale commercial systems. The traditional system is found to be
most common in developing countries. Poultry have been the last major group of food animals which are domesticated. Cost effectivity
of poultry have been a major cause of its growing popularity across the globe. More meat and eggs are obtained from chicken as
compared to all the other poultry species combined, however, turkeys, ducks and geese (waterfowl), and pheasants and quail (game
birds) provides various additional foods.

Australian College of the Professions
RTO No. 41201 CRICOS No. 03608K
Page 35 of 90 ACP-SITHCCC012 V1.2020- LW
Question 12. List any four (4) different types of stock date codes and reasons to use rotation labels.
Four different types of stock date codes are:
"pack" or...

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