SLC COMPUTER SCIENCE QBASIC FILE HANDLING -G 1. Write a program to create a sequential data file "SALES.DAT" and store item code, item name, quantity and rate. The program should terminate in user...

file handing qbasic questions

SLC COMPUTER SCIENCE QBASIC FILE HANDLING -G<br>1. Write a program to create a sequential data file

Extracted text: SLC COMPUTER SCIENCE QBASIC FILE HANDLING -G 1. Write a program to create a sequential data file "SALES.DAT" and store item code, item name, quantity and rate. The program should terminate in user choice 2. Write a program to open the same file created in SALES.DAT and display content 3. Write a program to create a data file MYINFO.INF which stores name of person, age, e-mail address of 3 persons. 4. Write a program to display name and e-mail address from MYINFO.INF data file where age is between 30-40 5. Write a program to create a sequential data file "Book.INF" to store following information of Books, Book No, Author, Publisher and Price. 6. Write a program to display all those records of "Book.INF" where price is less than Rs. 350 7. Write a program to create a sequential data file (Emp.Det) to store Name, Gender, Post and Salary of employees. Program should terminate according to the user's choice. 8. Write a program to display all data on the monitor of "Emp.Det" data file. 9. Write a program to create a data file named "Profile.Dat" to store Name, Address, qualification, post and salary for number of employees. Program should terminate according to the user's choice. 10. Write a program to display all records of "Info.Dat" also count and print how many persons are getting salary <>
SLC COMPUTER SCIENCE QBASIC FILE HANDLING - H<br>1. Write a program to create a data file named =40. 9. A data file named "INFO.DAT" contains Name, Address, Phone, E-mail for number of persons. Write a program to add more data to the same file. Program should terminate on the user's choice. Write a program to display records of "INFO.DAT" for those person whose ADDRESS is “Kathmandu" or "PATAN". "/>
Extracted text: SLC COMPUTER SCIENCE QBASIC FILE HANDLING - H 1. Write a program to create a data file named "Emp.Dat" to store First Name, sir name, Address and Contact number, Basic Salary and Medical Allowance. 2. Write a program to create a data file named "NewEMP.Dat" to copy all records having address "PATAN" from the above created "Emp.Dat" data file. 3. Write a program to create a sequential data file names "ORDER.ITM" to store order date, vendor name, item code, item name and quantity program should terminate on the user's choice. 4. Write a program to display all records of the data file named "ORDER.DAT" and also display total number of records at the bottom. 5. Write a program to create a data file named "INFO.DAt" to store Name, Address and Salary for number of employees. Program should terminate on the user's choice. 6. A data file named “INFO.DAT" contains Name, Address and Salary for number of employees. Write a program to display records of those employees whose salary is between 7500 to 15000 from above created data file. 7. Write a program to input a data file named "Marks.Dat" to store Name, Gender, and Marks in English, Nepali and Science. Program should terminate by user according to his/her choice. But the program should allow entering "M" of "F" for the gender. 8. Write a program top copy all records from above data file to the new data file named "PASS.DAT" for those students whose marks in English, Nepali and Science are >=40. 9. A data file named "INFO.DAT" contains Name, Address, Phone, E-mail for number of persons. Write a program to add more data to the same file. Program should terminate on the user's choice. Write a program to display records of "INFO.DAT" for those person whose ADDRESS is “Kathmandu" or "PATAN".
Jun 11, 2022

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