This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT: |
15.0ptsExcellent: The essay features a strong thesis statement or central claim that situates an argument of evaluation. Clear criteria are established to support the claim of evaluation and each paragraph supports the main idea. The writer's own opinions and ideas are clearly stated-the writer’s ideas are central to the essay At least three credible sources are included (at least two located through an online database) The sources support the writer's ideas in a meaningful way =it going beyond simply reporting information from sources . The essay is meets the page minimum requirement |
10.0ptsGood: The essay has a main idea, the thesis may not be as explicit in it's focus as necessary. The criteria is established, but may not be as clearly established throughout the essay. Writer's opinions are present , but there may be an over-reliance on sources resulting on more of a "report" , Three credible sources are used, but database source may be missing. The sources apply in a reasonable way to the topic. The essay meets the page requirement. |
5.0ptsDevelopment Needed: The essay may not have a clearly stated thesis. The essay may not be written as an argument of evaluation with clear criteria. The writer's opinions are not communicated clearly. Sources may not be consistent in credibility. Database source is not included. The essay may not meet the required page length. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeORGANIZATION |
10.0ptsExcellent: ORGANIZATION: A well-developed intro and conclusion unify the essay, topic sentences and transition sentences create a logical sequence The essay follows a logical progression • Paragraphs are used correctly-new paragraph is started when a new idea is initiated Sources are introduced and framed clearly Effective transition sentences are used that connect the ideas between paragraphs |
7.0ptsGood: The intro and'/or conclusion may need additional development. Topic sentences may be missing or weaker . The essay has a good basic flow, but there may be areas that need to be moved or revised for more cohesion. There may be some errors with paragraphing. Signal phrases may be inconsistent or weak. |
5.0ptsDevelopment Needed: Intro and/or conclusion may be weak or ineffective. Topic sentences may be weak or missing, The essay may involve circular logic or confusing organization. Sources are not incorporated smoothly and may be simply "dropped in". |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLANGUAGE: |
10.0ptsLANGUAGE: The writer's voice is original, engaging and appropriate to an academic audience. Grammar is clear and correct-consistent verb tense/subject-verb agreement. • Sentences are complete and well constructed.--The phrasing is easy to read Adequate word choice-word choices are accurate and match the purpose of the writing |
7.0ptsGood: the writer's voice is appropriate to an academic audience. The grammar and phrasing is good overall, with some instances of awkward phrasing-Some sentence errors such as run-on's or fragments, but these are not pervasive. Word choice is adequate, mut may be faulty in some places. |
5.0ptsNeeds Development: The writer's voice may be inappropriate to an academic audience. The grammar and phrasing is often awkward. Sentence errors such as run-on's or fragments, are frequent and distracting. Word choice is often inaccurate, subject verb agreement issues occur with high frequency. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCITATIONS: |
10.0ptsExellent: In text citations are used consistently and with correct formatting. All sources used are listed in the Works Cited. The Works Cited sources are formatted properly. |
7.0ptsGood: In text citations are used, but with some minor errors with formatting. All sources are listed on the Works Cited page. Some minor formatting issues with the Works Cited entries. |
5.0ptsNeeds Development: In text citations may not be used consistently or not at all. Sources may be missing from the Works Cited page, Major errors with Works Cited formatting. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMECHANICS: |
5.0ptsExcellent: No errors with spelling, punctuation and capitalization or MLA heading and page format |
3.0ptsGood: Only some errors with spelling, punctuation, capitalization and MLA Heading or Page Format |
2.0ptsNeeds Development: Pervasive errors with spelling, punctuation, capitalization and page formatting. Errors are distracting and indicate little to no proofreading. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEXTRA CREDIT |
0.0pts1-2 POINTS--Needs Development:The essay was submitted to Brainfuse. Most of the revision is devoted to correcting surface errors, such as spelling, punctuaton, or sentnece structure. More need for more substantive revision to content or organization is needed. |
0.0pts3 -4 POINTS -GoodThe paper was submitted to Brainfuse and some meaningful revision was completed. The revision may not be as substantive as possible, but goes beyond correcting surface errors. The feedback report was included with the final paper_ |
0.0pts5 POINTS-ExcellentThe essay was submitted to Brainfuse and significant revision was made based upon the feedback received. A copy of the Brainfuse report was also included_ |
Total Points:50.0 |