Skeeball is an arcade game in which a player rolls a ball along a ramp that curves up at XXXXXXXXXXthe end and propels the ball into a target as shown in the figure. When the ball lands in one of the...

Skeeball is an arcade game in which a player rolls a ball along a ramp that curves up at 50 40 20 10 30 the end and propels the ball into a target as shown in the figure. When the ball lands in one of the regions, the player gets that many points. (The dotted line is not part of the target; we drew it just to illustrate that the target region is a rectangle and a semicircle joined together.) Let us consider an oversimplified model of this game in which the ball is a point and is equally likely to land anywhere in the target region. What is the expected number of points the player gets on each roll?

May 19, 2022

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