Situations a, b, and c describe three research situationsinvolving possible ethical violations (Babbie 2010a).Match each situation with the appropriate aspect ofthe social science code of ethics for research on humansubjects.____ a. After a field study of deviant behavior duringa riot, law enforcement officials demand thatthe researcher identify those people who wereobserved looting. Rather than risk arrest as anaccomplice after the fact, the researcher complies.
____ b. A research questionnaire is circulated amongstudents as part of their university registrationpacket. Although students are not told theymust complete the questionnaire, the hope isthat they will believe they must, thus ensuring ahigher completion rate.
____ c. Researchers obtain a list of right-wing radicalsthey wish to study. They contact the radicalswith the explanation that each has been selected“at random,” from among the general population, to take a sampling of “public opinion.”
(1) concern for participants’ privacy(2) avoidance of deception(3) obligation not to harm participants
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