SimulationFig. 1 Table 1Table 2 Average Demand Standard Deviation Demand DC1 70 35 DC XXXXXXXXXX DC XXXXXXXXXX DC4 46 45A discrete-event simulation model is to be constructed to...

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Simulation using FlexSim

Simulation Fig. 1 Table 1 Table 2 Average Demand Standard Deviation Demand DC1 70 35 DC2 126 132.3 DC3 57 51.3 DC4 46 45 A discrete-event simulation model is to be constructed to capture the product flow depicted in Fig. 1 that will allow for disruptions at each of the nodes. All inputs were set independently and were fixed for each simulation scenario run. The risk profiles are one set of inputs, as well as First Echelon M1 S1 S2 S5 S4 S3 M2 DC1 DC4 PKG2 PKG1 DC3 DC2 Second Echelon Fourth Echelon Third Echelon the recovery data: for each site that could be disrupted, a back-up (or mitigation) was built into the model to provide additional capacity. Risk profiles for the locations and connections in the supply chain of figure 1 are developed using Monte Carlo simulation, and the flow of material and network interactions are modeled using discrete- event simulation. Capturing both the risk profiles and material flow with simulation allows for a clear view of the impact of disruptions on the system. For the disruption simulation, the selected nodes are S3, S5,M2, PKG2. The disruption parameters are duration of disruption, supply disruption, demand disruption, and presence of mitigation. Demand values at DC1, DC2, Dc3, and DC4 under a steady state is computed in terms of average demand and standard deviation demand, and these are shown in table 2. The demand values follow a uniform distribution. . The response variable total service level was measured in a two-step process. First, the entire supply chain’s daily service level was measured by using the percentage of orders fulfilled on time for all demand nodes. Second, the total service level response variable was calculated by taking the average of the daily service level over the given measurement period. The total service level response variable was measured as the aggregate of all the demand nodes as the supply chain is assumed to be operated by a single entity. The base service level is 95% The service level response variable values were collected in three distinct measurement periods (i.e., pre-, during- and post-disruption) over the course of a single simulation replication. The pre-disruption period lasted for a total of 100 days, starting on day 100 and ending on day 200. Day 0 through day 100 was used to accommodate the warm-up period. The length of the disruption period varied from 60 to 180 days depending on the treatment combination being tested. Finally, the length of the post- disruption period was fixed at 200 days. Events Each simulation run started on day 0 with the inventory levels of each node set to the calculated base stock level (see Table 2). At the beginning of each day, each node calculated its inventory level and placed an order to ensure that the base level value is maintained. Inventory was then received, queued for production, and delivered where applicable. Finally, demand was realized and inventory holding costs and stockouts were calculated. Stockout costs were only calculated for unmet external demand, which was realized daily at the four demand nodes (i.e., DC1-DC4) according to a normal distribution with parameter values equal to those shown in Table 2. The simulated supply chain operated in a steady state following the conclusion of the warm-up period through day 200. On day 200, the disruption parameters for the given treatment combination were activated. The specified disruption node had its production capacity reduced, and all demand nodes (i.e., D1- D4) began to receive increased demand according to the demand disruption factor level. In the presence of a capacity recovery mitigation strategy, the capacity of the disrupted node began to increase. The disruption persisted for the specified duration of 60, 120, or 180 days. At the conclusion of the disruption period, the demand nodes returned to their original parameters and the disrupted node returned to 100% production capacity. Summary of What I want to Do (1) I would like the simulation to be done in such a manner that there would be a period of pre-disruption when evrything about the supply chain was okay, a period of disruption at the mentioned specific nodes when the demand rose to 40% and 100% with these two factors: presence of mitigation and absence of mitigation. Also, the disruption is simulated to have 75% supply disruption, and 50% supply disruption. This is defined as S5-180-100-75-N for node S5 for instance. At the end of the disruption, I would like to see when the supply chain would return back to the initial performance status before the disruption. Here is an example of how I would like the graph to look like: Fig. 2 The graph shows the combination of S3-180-100-75-N and S3-180-100-75-M factors. The meaning of this is S3-180-100-75-N is Supplier S3 experienced disruption for 180 days which led to 100% increase in demand and 75% disruption in supply without mitigation. The ‘N’ stands for No Mitigation, while ‘M’ stands for mitigation. So, basically, I will like to do for the following combinations with respect to service level: (1)S3-180-100-75-N vs S3-180-100-75-M (2) S3-60-40-50-N vs S3-60-40-50-M (3) S5-180-100-75-N vs S3-180-100-75-M (4) S5-180-100-75-N vs S5-180-100-75-M (5) PKG2-180-100-75-N vs PKG2-180-100-75-M (6) PKG2-60-40-50-N vs PKG2-60-40-50-M The graph is expected to look like what is in figure 2
Answered 3 days AfterMar 03, 2023

Answer To: SimulationFig. 1 Table 1Table 2 Average Demand Standard Deviation Demand DC1 70 35 DC...

Banasree answered on Mar 06 2023
46 Votes
Simulation Model:
a step-by-step methodology to input the data and create a project in FlexSim:
1. Open FlexSim and create a new project by clicking on "File" and then "New".
2. In the "New Project" dialog box, select "Blank Project" and give it a name. Click "Create" to create the new project.
3. Once you have created the project, you can start building the model by first creating the nodes and paths for the product flow. To do this, you can use the "Create" menu to create nodes and paths in the 3D view.
4. After creating the nodes and paths, you can set up the properties for each node and pa
th. For example, you can set the capacity, processing time, and other parameters for each node.
5. Next, you can input the data from Table 1 and Table 2 into the model. To do this, you can create a spreadsheet and use the "Spreadsheet" object in FlexSim to import the data. You can also use the "Create" menu to create objects such as "Pipes" and "Queues" and set their properties based on the data.
6. Once you have input the data, you can start building the logic for the model. For example, you can use the "Process Flow" object to define the sequence of tasks for each node, or you can use the "Event" object to trigger actions based on certain conditions.
7. You can also set up the simulation parameters, such as the simulation length, replication settings, and random seed. You can access the simulation settings by clicking on "Simulation" and then "Settings".
8. After setting up the model, you can run the simulation to test its performance and analyze the results. You can use the "Run" button in the toolbar to start the simulation.
9. You can also use the "Statistics" menu to analyze the data generated by the simulation. This can help you identify trends, bottlenecks, and other factors affecting the performance of the system.
10. Finally, you can refine the model and test different scenarios to optimize the performance of the system. You can save the project and use it as a basis for future simulations.
Risk profiles for the locations and connections in the supply chain of figure 1 are developed using Monte Carlo simulation, and the flow of material and network interactions are modeled using discrete-event simulation. Capturing both the risk profiles and material flow with simulation allows for a clear view of the impact of disruptions on the system.
1. Define the objectives of the simulation model: Before starting to build a simulation model in FlexSim, it is important to have a clear understanding of the objectives of the model. What are the questions you want to answer with the model? What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you want to measure? Defining the objectives of the model upfront will help you design a simulation model that is aligned with your goals.
2. Define the scope of the simulation model: Once you have defined the objectives of the simulation model, you need to define the scope of the model. What are the parts of the system that you want to include in the model? What are the boundaries of the system?
3. Collect data: Once you have defined the scope of the simulation model, you need to collect data on the system. This includes data on the process flow, resource utilization, and inventory levels.
4. Build the model: Once you have collected the data, you can start building the simulation model in FlexSim. This involves defining the entities (such as products, orders, and shipments), the resources (such as machines and labor), and the processes (such as production and transportation) in the system. You also need to define the rules that govern the behavior of the system, such as the routing of materials and the allocation of resources.
5. Verify and validate the model: Once you have built the model, you need to verify and validate it to ensure that it accurately represents the system. Verification involves checking that the model is free from errors and runs correctly.
6. Run the simulation: Once the model is verified and validated, you can start running simulations. This involves specifying the input parameters (such as demand, lead times, and capacity constraints) and running the simulation to generate the output data.
7. Analyze the results: Once the simulation is complete, you can analyze the results to answer the questions you set out to answer at the beginning of the project.
To simulate disruptions in FlexSim, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the nodes that will be affected by the disruption: In this case, the selected nodes are S3, S5, M2, and PKG2.
2. Create a separate scenario for each disruption: to simulate each disruption, create a new scenario and set the appropriate parameters.
3. Set the duration of the disruption : you can use the "Delay" object to simulate the duration of the disruption. Add a Delay object to the model and set the duration of the disruption as a parameter.
4. Simulate supply disruption: To simulate a supply disruption, you can set the availability of the affected resources to zero during the duration of the disruption. For example, if a machine at node S5 is affected by the disruption, you can set the availability of that machine to zero during the duration of the disruption.
5. Simulate demand disruption:. if the demand for products produced at node M2 is disrupted, you can reduce the demand for those products by a certain percentage during the duration of the disruption.
6. Simulate presence of mitigation: if a machine at node PKG2 is affected by the disruption, you can add an additional machine to the system during the duration of the disruption to provide backup capacity.
7. Run the simulation: Once you have set the appropriate parameters for each disruption scenario, you can run the simulation to generate the output data.
8. Analyze the results: Once the simulation is complete, you can analyze the results to determine the impact of each disruption scenario on the performance of the system. You can compare the KPIs for each scenario to determine which...

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