Should not take more than 3-4 hours, starter code and tester provided
Assignment 3 COMP 250 Fall 2022 posted: Friday, Nov. 18, 2022 due: Monday, Dec. 5, 2022 at 23:59 General Instructions • Submission instructions – Late assignments will be accepted up to 2 days late and will be penalized by 10 points per day. Note that submitting one minute late is the same as submitting 23 hours late. We will deduct 10 points for any student who has to resubmit after the due date (i.e. late) irrespective of the reason, be it wrong file submitted, wrong file format was submitted or any other reason. This policy will hold regardless of whether or not the student can provide proof that the assignment was indeed “done” on time. – Don’t worry if you realize that you made a mistake after you submitted : you can submit multiple times but only the latest submission will be graded. We encourage you to submit a first version a few days before the deadline (computer crashes do happen and Ed may be overloaded during rush hours). – This is the file you should be submitting on Ed: ∗ Do not submit any other files, especially .class files. Any deviation from these requirements may lead to lost marks • Please note that the class you submit should be part of a package called assignment3. • Do not change any of the starter code that is given to you. Add code only where instructed, namely in the “ADD YOUR CODE HERE” block. You may add helper methods to the CatCafe class (and in fact you are highly encouraged to do so), but you are not allowed to modify any other class. • The assignment shall be graded automatically. Requests to evaluate the assignment manually shall not be entertained, so please make sure that you follow the instruction closely or your code may fail to pass the automatic tests. Note that for this assignment, you are NOT allowed to import any class that is not already imported in the starter code. Any failure to comply with these rules will give you an automatic 0. • Whenever you submit your files to Ed, you will see the results of some exposed tests. These tests are a mini version of the tests we will be using to grade your work. If your code fails those tests, it means that there is a mistake somewhere. Even if your code passes those tests, it may still contain some errors. We will test your code on a much more challenging set of 1 examples. We highly encourage you to test your code thoroughly before submitting your final version. • In a week we will share with you a Minitester class that you can run to test if your methods are correct. This class is equivalent to the exposed tests on Ed. Please note that these tests are only a subset of what we will be running on your submissions. We encourage you modify and expand these classes. We encourage you modify and expand this class. You are welcome to share your tester code with other students on Ed. Try to identify tricky cases. Do not hand in your tester code. • You will automatically get 0 if your code does not compile. • Failure to comply with any of these rules will be penalized. If anything is unclear, it is up to you to clarify it by asking either directly a TA during office hours, or on the discussion board on Ed. 2 Learning Objectives In this assignment we will bring together binary search trees and max heaps. Working on this problem will allow you to better understand how to manipulate trees and how to use recursion to exploit their recursive structure. A Crowded Cat Cafe Chain You have just been named CEO of a chain of Cat Cafes. A cat cafe is a coffee shop in which cats are roaming and interact with customers. At the time of your promotion, you are informed that the chain does not have any repository of the cats, and maintains no information about their seniority. You are extremely upset upon hearing this as you understand those cats are your most important staff members and, like any other employees, deserve salary and working conditions that improve with seniority. You immediately call your best friend, who recently told you they were a computer science expert. You expect them to build you a state-of-the-art database for all your cats. Upon hearing your request, they seem to hesitate a bit and, after a moment of wavering, confess that they are only taking their second computer science course and cannot yet build a professional database. However, they recently learned about binary search trees and how they can be leveraged to efficiently access data. They explain they have also heard about heaps and they’d like to combine the two ideas together in an attempt to utilize trees to their full potential. They email you a quick draft and you start getting excited about it (after all, cats do love trees), until they specify they cannot help you because they are currently busy with their new job, which they then begin describing. It sounds pretty cool until they try to convince you to invest in their “company” by buying a bunch of knives to re-sell. You try to tell them it sounds like a pyramid scheme but they start yelling something about those only ever occurring in Ancient Egypt, and they hang up on you. You try to call them back but it appears they blocked your number. It looks like you are going to have to build your tree on your own. You have a second look at their email to see what you have to work with, and what is left to do. The database of all cats is represented by a binary tree CatCafe. This tree has a single field root which contains a reference to the root node. The nodes are defined by a nested class CatNode (the class is defined public for testing purposed). Each CatNode is associated with data stored in a Cat object (code provided). You manage your business month to month, so for simplicity, since the company began operating on January 1st, 2000, you are identifying each month of operation with a simple integer associated with the number of months elapsed since then. Thus, January 12, 2000 was in month 0. September 25, 2015 was in month 189, and November 2022 is month 275. You keep track of the month in which each cat was hired by the Cafe in each cat’s file. To have an easier time searching through the files, these are kept in order based on the cats’ seniority. These cats are truly your most valuable asset, and regular grooming appointments are a must to keep them healthy and happy. The company provides regular trips to the cat salon and covers all the expenses. To schedule the trips and help you keeping your budget on track, you decided to store all the relevant information on each of these 3 cats’ files. There’s no denying it, fluffy cats are gorgeous, they can truly steal one’s heart. You were once a loyal customer of the cafe chain yourself, and nothing says ‘cozy and laidback coffee shop’ more than a fluffy furry friend curled up on a rocking chair by the window. As the new CEO, you have decided to create an hall of fame to honour the cats which were blessed with an exceptional fur. This recognition is very close to your heart, hence every time a new cat is hired by the chain the average thickness of the cat’s fur in millimeters (measured professionally) is measured and also kept on file. Note that, due to budget constraints, you are never able to hire more than one cat per month (i.e. you can assume that there will not be cats in the cafe with the same seniority). For this assignment (as for any coding project you decide to undertake) it is extremely important that you test your code as you write it using small tests. Do NOT start testing your code only after you are done writing the entire assignment. It will be extremely hard to debug your program and you should not expect us (instructor, TAs, and mentors) to be able to fix your code just by looking at an error for few minutes during office hours. If you need help with a bug you need to make sure to put in the time necessary to work on it so that you’ll be able to identify a very specific reason and place in your code where the error originates (note that I am not referring to the line displayed by the stack trace!). The Cat class To represent a cat, we have provided you with a class called Cat. This class contains the following fields: • A name for the cat (String) • The month in which the cat was hired (int) • The thickness of its fur in millimeters (int) • The number of days until their next grooming appointment (int) • The expected cost (in dollars) of their next grooming appointment (double) Note that this class implements Comparable and several public methods are available to you. Please note that you must not modify this class. The Cafe A template for the CatCafe class has been provided to you. This class contains a CatNode inner class, and a field root which contains a reference to the root node of the tree representing the cafe. This class also implements the interface Iterable and an inner class called CatCafeIterator is also included. Inside the CatCafe class you will notice several public methods that have already been implemented. These are all non-static methods which will be called on objects of type CatCafe. Most of these methods call methods from the CatNode class that you will need to implement. 4 The tree we are using to represent a cat cafe is a tree where we store elements of type Cat. It is a binary search tree when we look at the cats’ seniority, and a max heap when we look at the cats’ fur thickness. The CatNode inner class is used to represent a node in the tree and it contains the following fields: • Cat catEmployee: a reference to an object of type Cat. This is the element/key stored in the node. It contains information regarding a cat employed at the cafe. • CatNode junior: this node is the root of the left subtree which stores information about cats that are more junior (i.e. hired later) than the cat stored in the current node. • CatNode senior: this node is the root of the right subtree which stores information about cats that are more senior (i.e. hired earlier) than the cat stored in the current node. • CatNode parent: this node is the parent node of the current node. Hence it stores information about a cat whose fur is thicker than the one of the cat stored in the current node (and he has therefore higher chances of getting in that hall of fame of yours ;) ). For this assignment you need to implement the following methods/classes. Please note that your code will be tested on time efficiency, so make sure to implement the methods exploiting the structure/properties of the tree and using what we learned in class. Note also that you might want to implement the following methods in a different order than the one in which the tasks are listed. For this reason, we would highly suggest to first read through the entire list before jumping into your IDEs. • CatCafe.CatCafe()[8 points] This constructor takes as input a CatCafe object cafe and creates a shallow copy of it. The new CatCafe object is a tree storing exactly the same objects of type Cat, but with different CatNodes. • CatNode.hire() [20 points] This method takes as input a Cat object c and adds it to the tree rooted at the CatNode on which the method was called. The method returns the root to the new tree that now contains c. As explained above the tree we are trying to implement is a binary search tree when we look at the cats’ seniority, and a max heap when we look at the cats’ fur thickness. To preserve the tree’s properties, adding a new cat c to the tree has to be done in two steps: 1. Add a new node to the tree in the leaf position where binary search determines a node for c should be inserted. (see add() for binary search tree learned in class) 2. Fix the trees so that the properties of the max heap are maintained (i.e. the parent node must have thicker fur than its children). This means that we need to perform upheap if needed. Note that since this is also a binary search tree, we need to make sure that when performing upheap we don’t break the properties of the binary search tree. To ensure this, instead of performing upheap as seen in class, we will need to implement a tree rotation that reverses the parent-child relationship whenever necessary. Depending 5 if the child that has to be swap in the parent position is the left or the right child, we will need to perform a right rotation or a left rotation respectively. This is how the rotations work: – To swap the left child in the parent position, we perform a right rotation as follows: P L / \ right rotation / \ L R -------------> A P / \ / \ A B B R – To swap the right child in the parent position, we perform a left rotation as follows: P R / \ left rotation / \ L R -------------> P B /