Select the best code to utilize generics so that the class implements the Comparable interface correctly. public class Taco implements 1 { private int guacamole; /* valid constructor */ public int...

Please answer question. This is pertaining to Java programming language


Select the best code to utilize generics so that the class implements the Comparable<br>interface correctly.<br>public class Taco implements 1 {<br>private int guacamole;<br>/* valid constructor */<br>public int compareTo(<br>/* valid implementation */<br>}<br>}<br>2 arg ) {<br>1: Comparable<Object><br>2: Taco<br>

Extracted text: Select the best code to utilize generics so that the class implements the Comparable interface correctly. public class Taco implements 1 { private int guacamole; /* valid constructor */ public int compareTo( /* valid implementation */ } } 2 arg ) { 1: Comparable 2: Taco

Jun 08, 2022

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