Select only one of the following 4 topics for this Research Assignment. The assignment must reflect a combination of original thought as well as properly documented research. 1. Broken Promises …...

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Select only one of the following 4 topics for this Research Assignment. The assignment must reflect a combination of original thought as well as properly documented research.
1. Broken Promises
… There was a time when many acres of land in what we now call Canada were sacred to Aboriginal Natives. Therefore, today many of us are living on, building on, and in some case, destroying the remains of Indian lands where people’s roots run deep. Given this, how would you deal with the problem of an Aboriginal native trespassing on someone’s land when he or she claims to be visiting an ancestral burial ground, for example? What could you say or do so as not to totally alienate the Aboriginal native and thereby risk losing trust and co-operation?
2. Racially and Culturally Rooted Conflicts
Over the past, there have been a number of conflicts between the police and the First Nations People (i.e. Oka, Caledonia, etc.). What training does the Ontario Police College (Aylmer, Ontario) provide on defusing racially and culturally rooted conflicts? What training does your provincial or municipal police department in which you live or work provide to officers? Is training enough to understanding the underlying conflicts? What community agencies (private or public) are available as referrals, or for mediation of such conflicts? Discuss what should be provided to police officers to defuse, mediate, and resolve racially and culturally rooted conflicts yet maintain trust and co-operation?

3. Aboriginal Women in Law Enforcement

How many women police officers are there in Canada (in the federal, provincial, and municipal law enforcement agencies), and within the law enforcement agency in which you live? How many aboriginal women police officers are there in Canada, and within the law enforcement agency in which you live? Explain the numbers? How many of those aboriginal women are in supervisory or management positions compared to non-aboriginal women? Are any of the aboriginal women assigned to non-traditional roles such as the Emergency Task Force, Community Relations Unit, etc.? Have there been incidents of harassment of aboriginal women employees, and how were the cases resolved? Compare the results to the cases of non-aboriginal women?

Explain what you would recommend to turn these results around, and why?

4. Sentencing in the Criminal Justice System
In dealing with individuals from diverse cultures, the criminal justice system has considered the cultural values and norms of some offenders before sentencing them. This has meant giving these offenders lighter sentences than others who have committed the same offence. Explain this in respect to sentencing cases involving aboriginal offenders. An alternative view is that the law applies to all people equally and that culture should not enter into the criminal justice system. Another view is that the First Nations People should have autonomy in respect to their own criminal judicial system (aboriginal judges, criminal procedures, sentencing circles, restorative justice, etc.). Discuss this issue, and the implications for law enforcement.
Answered Same DayDec 23, 2021

Answer To: Select only one of the following 4 topics for this Research Assignment. The assignment must reflect...

David answered on Dec 23 2021
125 Votes
Essay on
Aboriginal Women in Law Enforcement
Law enforcement in Canada: Public-sector police forces those are correlated with and
commissioned to the three levels of g
overnment: municipal (both lower and upper-tier),
provincial, and federal.
Women in Canada Police Service:
 In 2015, women continued to be increasingly represented in the higher ranks of police
services. The proportion of senior officers who were female has more than doubled in the
past ten years, from 5.5% in 2005 to 12.4% in 2015, the highest proportion ever reported.
 While women accounted for about one-third (34%) of total personnel employed by police
services on the 2014 snapshot date, they were found most often in civilian positions (57%
of women employed in police services) and less often in police officer positions (43% of
women employed in police services).
 Among civilian employees, almost 9 in 10 (87%) clerical support staff were women, as
were over three-quarters of communications/dispatch employees (76%). Women
represented almost 6 in 10 of those employed as managers and professionals (57%) and
as school crossing guards (56%). However, in comparison to men, women were much
less often employed as recruits (22%) and by-law enforcement/parking control officers
(30%) and security officers/guards (37%).
 Since data became available in 1986, women have made up the majority of those
employed in civilian positions in police services. The gap was narrowest in the late-1980s
when women occupied between 55 and 59% of civilian positions and men occupied 41 to
45%. Since then, the gap has widened and women have consistently occupied more than
6 out of 10 civilian positions. In 2014,...

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