Select an article that deals with the law and neuroscience or cognition or behavioural analysis and detail what the authors are suggesting. You can select one of the papers I listed below. If it is an...

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  • Select an article that deals with the law and neuroscience or cognition or behavioural analysis and detail what the authors are suggesting. You can select one of the papers I listed below. If it is an experiment-type study, detail what the experiment entailed and explain if it is persuasive or not. Tell me why it did or did not persuade you. I want your opinion on the article. Describe how you believe this information impacts the way we conceive of the law.

  • 40% - explain what was the purpose of the study. What was the hypothesis or the investigators? What was the methodology that they used? Was it a good methodology? Explain what the authors found and what did they say we can use from this study.

  • 40% - explanation of why you agree or disagree. What was positive about the study and what was negative? Have other studies come to the same conclusion.

  • 20% - Implications. Your thoughts. How does the study relate to the law and how much impact does it have on public policy?

  • The paper should be 2000 words. If you are slightly under that is fine but a 1300 word essay won't cut it. A maximum of 2500 words.

  • article:C.I. Brainerd - “Reliability of children’s testimony in the era of developmental reversals”

Answered 5 days AfterMar 30, 2022

Answer To: Select an article that deals with the law and neuroscience or cognition or behavioural analysis and...

Dr. Saloni answered on Apr 02 2022
120 Votes
Running Head: Law and Cognition 2
Law and Cognition
This paper aims to demonstrate the credibility of a child's testimony in the period of developmental reversals. Brainerd and Reyna reviewed developmental research of false memoris of a child. This paper hypotheses that false memories can both decrease and increase with age.
This paper has well-defined the theoretical conditions within which every trend arises. Brainerd and Reyna have shown that a long-held legal belief is that a child is more vulnerable to false memory recall than an adult, and so their testimony becomes less credible than an adult (Aboody et al., 2022). Several studies have demonstrated a decline in false memory during young adulthood and early childhood under controlled circumstances throughout the 1980s. Fuzzy-trace theory predicts reversals of this periodic developmental process in instances that are very relevant to testifying as they demand the utilisation of the basis of experiences to identify events (Andresen, 2021). This paper reveals that assumption has been researched over the last decades, and a great majority of research has been conducted showing that false memories do rise from childhood to young adulthood. Furthermore, age-related advances in false memory have been associated with enhancements in children's lexical gist memory, according to studies. According to recent scientific studies, the assumption that a child's testimony is intrinsically     more polluted with false memories than an adult's testimony and that juries should accept adult testimony as invariably more fact-based is untenable. Moreover, the abstract of this paper is coherent and self-contained, reasoning on its own. This paper examines the author's perspective, methodology, outcomes, and permeability of this article (Brainerd & Reyna, 2012).
Brainerd and Reyna have utilised many classic examples to demonstrate that a key underlying issue is that some sorts of instances cannot be investigated without the testimony of children. Children's evidence has traditionally been routinely dismissed in most jurisdictions because they are incompetent witnesses since, among other reasons, the border between imagination and realism is hazy in children (Budyakova, 2020). Their alleged incorrect memory, both in terms of poor remembrance of actual history and heightened recollection of occurrences that did not occur, was a crucial feature in this perspective of children witnesses, which appeared to be backed up by early studies on child witness reliability. The onus of evidence in instances where there is no credible physical evidence or children have been the only witnesses lies solely on the shoulders of a child's memory as a consequence of legislating broad acceptance of child testimony (Devine et al., 2019).
Brainerd and Reyna have efficiently presented the background material and it has been sufficient for understanding the study's objectives. The revisionist position had been met with skepticism by child memory researchers, who decided to test it all under controlled experimental circumstances (Einav, 2018). The incidents prompted reliability issues amongst child memory scientists because the sole evidence of illegal conduct in some cases was children's statements, which were typically gained through persuasive questioning. As a consequence, large research on false memory within preschool to young-adult, as well as characteristics that promote and decrease sensitivity to false memory, has indeed been produced, work that is still ongoing today (Andresen, 2021).
Moreover, the data was analysed thoroughly and methodically by Brainerd and Reyna. Researchers looked at variables that could have prevented age-related advances in false memory by interfering with elderly subjects' stronger gist memory abilities (prerequisite manipulations) and providing intellectual prosthetics for younger respondents' weaker gist memory skills (Leonard et al., 2019). In this article, the DRM impression by itself is compelling evidence that semantically false memories can skyrocket between young adulthood and childhood (Brainerd & Reyna, 2012).
In this context, the DRM study is ideal. Irrespective of the current discussion about how suitable and reliable the DRM work is in the research of introspective false memories, Brainerd and Reyna have conducted an efficient DRM study because the DRM work has been a beneficial paradigm to explore the neurocognitive foundations of the (re)constructive character of memory. The DRM concept has been a prominent research method to assist answer a variety of problems since it is simple to apply, and generates a clear and effective impact (Budyakova, 2020). Authors have examined the evidence for developmental changes in a specific sort of false memory: false...

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