See page Probability Investigation PART A: CLASS ACTIVITY What is the chance to get a 1 when rolling a six-sided die? What would you expect? Predict the outcome. The chance of rolling a 1 is ______...

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See page Probability Investigation PART A: CLASS ACTIVITY What is the chance to get a 1 when rolling a six-sided die? What would you expect? Predict the outcome. The chance of rolling a 1 is ______ out of ______. Roll your die at least 18 times and list all the outcomes in this tally chart: Number thrown Tally Frequency (number of times) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Did these results match your prediction? Write a sentence to say why or why not. Now use these results to calculate the probability of throwing a number: Between 1 and 6 Greater than 6 Even number Odd number Factor of 6 Multiple of 2 Are there any links between these probabilities? Why? Part B: The Investigation Your investigation will involve rolling two six-sided dice and recording the results. You will use these results to investigate an outcome. Complete the table below to list the possible outcomes (total of both dice) when throwing two six-sided dice. Die 1 Number rolled 1 2 3 4 5 6 Die 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Using your sample space above as a guide, investigate an outcome. You can choose from the examples below or choose one of your own. You will need to decide how many times to roll the dice (the sample size) and how to set up your frequency tables. Examples of outcomes that you could investigate: What is the probability that the sum of the numbers thrown on each dice are: a) even b) odd c) greater than 10 d) less than 7 The outcome I am going to investigate is: I am going to roll the dice ________ times. This is enough for this experiment because: My frequency table: The report (submit on your own paper): Introduction – provide an overview of your investigation (3 marks) · What is your aim? · What is your prediction? Justify this prediction mathematically. Instructions – step by step instructions of how to conduct your investigation (3 marks) · You must create a set of written or typed instructions. · Setup, steps you will follow, what you will record · Clear, concise, simple language, well structured Description – what do you need to conduct the investigation? (4 marks) · Provide all the materials needed for the investigation · Have a list of equipment for organisation purposes · Clearly labelled frequency tables for recording of results Probability Analysis - (the most important bit of the whole investigation!) (4 marks) · Discuss the probabilities that are involved · Remember to reference sample space, favourable outcomes · Sample space refers to all of the possible outcomes from an experiment · In probability, an experiment is a repeatable process with different possible outcomes · Are the events equally likely or not equally likely? · Don’t forget to assign probabilities to the outcomes of your events in your sample space! · Each unique outcome needs to have a listed probability Conclusion – What worked well? Even better if? What would you change? Why? (2 marks) Marking RubricName: __________________Teacher: Mark: ________ / 16 Part 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 marks 0 marks Introduction The student has clearly written the aim of this investigation and a justified prediction of expected results. The student has clearly written the aim of this investigation and the prediction of expected results. The student has not been clear about the purpose and aim of this investigation but has used some of the correct terminology. Not achieved Instructions The student has constructed clear instructions for the investigation. The student has constructed instructions but some clarification may be needed. The student has stated some instructions but it is unclear. Not achieved Description The student lists materials needed, and a professionally created, clearly labelled and formatted data collection table. The student lists materials needed, and a clearly labelled and formatted data collection table. The student lists materials needed, and a data collection table. The student lists materials needed to complete the investigation. Not achieved Probability Analysis The student lists the sample space and discusses justified probabilities for their investigation. The student also chooses and justifies the sample size for their investigation. The student lists the sample space and discusses justified probabilities for their investigation. The student lists the sample space and discusses the probabilities of their investigation. The student lists the sample space Not achieved Conclusion The student has written a conclusion that describes and justifies the probability investigated. The student has written a conclusion that describes the probability investigated without justification. Not achieved
Answered Same DaySep 09, 2021

Answer To: See page Probability Investigation PART A: CLASS ACTIVITY What is the chance to get a 1 when rolling...

Rajeswari answered on Sep 12 2021
147 Votes
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Probability Investigation
The activity given to us was to explore more about probabilities. For that we used
an approximately fair die and each student threw it first 18 times to record the outcomes. The frequency was not equal. But we thought trials were less and that is why results are inaccurate.
Next we learnt to know about mutually exclusive, equally likely, impossible and certain events and their probabilities.
Next we tried with 2 dice and listed all 36 possible outcomes in the sample space. Using the sample space we found that we could easily answer the questions such as sum of the readings of the two dice, > or < sum also.
Last is checking the bias of the die by increasing number of trials. Though we wanted to check as large as 1000 times, due to constraint of time and fatigue we sticked to 60 trials. The results and further actions to be done are shown at last.

What is the chance to get a 1 when rolling a six-sided die? What would you expect? Predict the outcome.
The chance of rolling a 1 is ___1___ out of ___6___.
Roll your die at least 18 times and list all the outcomes in this tally chart:
    Number thrown
    Frequency (number of...

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