. Security: War is often considered to be central to the study of international relations. What impacthas this overwhelming focus on war had on the development of IR theory? Do IR theories...

. Security: War is often considered to be central to the study of international relations. What impacthas this overwhelming focus on war had on the development of IR theory? Do IR theories equallyaccount for security, or are some better than others? Explain. Using the theory(s) you identify as themost effective, explain dynamics of nuclear proliferation/counterproliferation and terrorism.2. Human Condition Redux: “Issues of poverty, hunger, and development are far more important forthe future of international relations than understanding the sources of war.” React to this claim. Doyou agree or disagree? Why? Can the existing IR theories or the Buzan and Little framework offerinsight on the causes of, and solutions to, poverty, hunger, and development? If so, what are thoseinsights?3. Compare and contrast two ‘mainstream’ theoretical approaches to IR with two ‘critical’ or‘alternative’ approaches. What do they share in common, and how do they differ. What does/wouldBuzan and Little have to say about your chosen theories? Finally, choose a recent issue or incident inIR and apply all four theories you have selected? What insights do they generate on theissue/incident? Which approaches fare better, and which worse, and why?4. Buzan and Little suggest that the environment may be growing in significance. Analyze thecurrent state of the global environment using their framework. Do the IR theories we have covered inclass help us come to terms with global environmental problems? Choose two, and address whatinsights they present and what solutions they offer or, address why the theory or theories do not helpus come to terms with environmental problems.

May 15, 2022

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