Section 3.2 presented some tests for distinguishing root clauses in English from subordinate clauses. One construction discussed there shows up again in the data in (1) through (7). Task: (i) What...

Section 3.2 presented some tests for distinguishing root clauses in English from subordinate clauses. One construction discussed there shows up again in the data in (1) through (7).

Task: (i) What construction is it? (ii) What properties seem to trigger the appearance of this construction in these examples? Use the ungrammatical sentences as contrast to help work out your answers.

(1) Not for any money would Lill pick up a spider. Neither will I, actually.

*Sometimes will Lill pick up a spider.

(2) Rarely have we seen such snow before.

*Last winter have we seen such snow before.

(3) Never again must those students take the last train to Durham.

(4) Under no circumstances should you press the red button.

*Under certain circumstances should you press the red button.

(5) Seldom can you find a better bargain than at Den’s Dealership.

*Any day of the week can you find a better bargain than at Den’s Dealership.

(6) Not till after the weekend might those who are on strike return to their desks.

(7) Only after 22.00 will there be another train.

(iii) What issues are suggested by these additional examples?

(8) She said that under no circumstances could she learn Irish.

(9) I knew that not even on Sundays / only on Sundays could my daughter lie in bed till midday.

May 19, 2022

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