Scenario: You are a member of the Drug Court Committee. Your job is to educate the public, the media, and concerned government officials on the mission and operation of the drug court in your...

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Scenario:You are a member of the Drug Court Committee. Your job is to educate the public, the media, and concerned government officials on the mission and operation of the drug court in your jurisdiction. You are tasked with developing a comprehensive drug court information paper. The paper explains what a drug court is, how it operates, and what goals the drug court has for its referrals. The paper will be available to any concerned parties on how and why the drug court exists. Include responses to the following concerns in your 2-page paper:

  • What does the drug court do?

  • Does the drug court hand out mandated sentences, or is participation voluntary?

  • What legal rights can a participant expect to lose while he or she is in the drug court program?

  • Because there are already jails and prisons, what makes the drug court necessary?

  • What benefit does society have by having a drug court program?

  • What are the benefits to the person enrolled in the drug court program?

  • Does the drug court program affect other criminal activity?

It is critical that, when you make a statement of fact in your presentation, you cite the reference from which you obtained the information. Do this in the text of the paper, and then include the reference in your References page. Your paper must be submitted in the current edition of APA format. No abstract is required because this is a short position paper, but a title page, reference page, and appropriate running header with page numbers are necessary.

Answered Same DayMar 09, 2021

Answer To: Scenario: You are a member of the Drug Court Committee. Your job is to educate the public, the...

Olivia answered on Mar 10 2021
147 Votes
As the name implies, a Drug Court maintains the proceedings of a lawsuit in which a person has been convicted due to substance abuse and is thought likely to re offend. In such a case, the individual is referred to a drug court prior to pleading guilty in the case and participated voluntarily, a system in court proceedings known as deferred prosecution or pre trial. In other cases, a person may be mandated by the court to be transferred to a drug court or be monitored by a drug court. This would be a case of post adjunction where a person has been required by law to participate in a drug court (Belenko, 2016). An individual pleading guilty and agreeing to voluntary participation in drug courts lose legal rights while he or she is in the drug court program like the forfeiting the right to a trial, to discovery, and/or to contesting the circumstances of his arrest (King &...

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