scenario of assessment 1 -You work for a housing builder who constructs homes for clients. You have managed to secure a client who wants to build with your company. The client has a budget of...

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scenario of assessment 1 -You work for a housing builder who constructs homes for clients. You have managed to secure a client who wants to build with your company. The client has a budget of AUD$500,000 and is looking to build their new home within the next 12 months. Your task is to ensure you keep this client satisfied by building the home as per their requirements within the budget and timeline that they have given you. You are required to propose project management processes that can be used to efficiently manage, build and deliver the home for your client. You are expected to incorporate lean project management practices to ensure that you can meet the tight budget and timeline restrictions imposed on you....Based on the scenario given in Assessment 1, you are now presented with many issues (to build your client’s home):• The performance of your subcontractors and vendors are not satisfactory and is directly impacting the quality of their work performed. You realise that you haven’t instituted proper reporting procedure to be followed by your subcontractors and vendors.• You are unable to make informed decisions as you don’t have the data to objectively manage your subcontractors and vendors• You have failed to develop a risk management plan to assess all risks that could affect your project• You now realise that you lack leadership capabilities to successfully manage this project
This assessment item requires you to Write a report to your senior management explaining your action plans to overcome all the issues highlighted above. For each of the issue, you are expected to:• propose necessary actions that must be taken by way of implementing the appropriate project management processes• provide examples of how these new control measures are to be implemented You are also expected to include the following in your report:1. A brief executive summary2. An explanation of an effective and efficient project review and reporting mechanism for monitoring and controlling purposes3. The demonstrated use of the seven quality control tools (7QC) tools (and / or other quality tools) to generate subcontractor / vendor performance data (provide examples – these could be fictitious but practical data)4. An explanation of an effective risk management plan5 An explanation of the appropriate leadership style that you could adopt to manage this project successfully6. A conclusion section
Answered Same DayFeb 12, 2021PPMP20009Central Queensland University

Answer To: scenario of assessment 1 -You work for a housing builder who constructs homes for clients. You have...

Nerdexpert answered on Feb 13 2021
158 Votes
Leading Lean Projects
Leading Lean Projects
Leading Lean Projects
Assessment 2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Effective Project Review & Reporting Mechanism    3
Earned Value Analysis (EVA)    3
Project Reports    4
Application of 7 QC Tools    4
Cause & Effect Diagram    4
Check sheet    5
Control Charts    6
Histogram    7
Pareto Chart    8
Scatter Diagram    8
Stratification    9
Risk Management Plan    9
Risk Identification and Analysis    10
Risk Treatment    11
Risk Monitoring    15
Leadership Style for Project Management    19
Conclusion    20
References    21
Executive Summary
The report is written for the project that includes the construction of a hous
e for the project client. The total timeframe for the project shall not be more than 12 months and the overall budget shall not be more than $500,000.
The report includes the details of the review and reporting mechanisms that shall be used in the project along with the quality control tools, risk management plan, and leadership style.
The project includes the building of a house that is to be constructed as per the specifications and requirements illustrated by the client. The client has provided the timeframe and the budget for the project and it shall not be altered during the project execution. The total timeframe for the project shall not be more than 12 months and the overall budget shall not be more than $500,000. There are several activities that are a part of this project, such as ground planning, site selection, construction activities, estimations, control & monitoring along with the overall project closure.
The report includes the details of the review and reporting mechanisms that shall be used in the project along with the quality control tools, risk management plan, and leadership style.
Effective Project Review & Reporting Mechanism
The use of PMBoK methodology shall be done for the purpose of review and reporting in the project. There are several aspects of the house building project that need to be monitored. The two of the most significant aspects are schedule and costs that shall be reviewed all throughout (Angarita & Gallardo, 2018). The PMBoK methodology illustrates different techniques that can be used for the purpose of monitoring and review of schedule and costs in the project.
Earned Value Analysis (EVA)
The total schedule allotted to the project is 12 months and the total budget assigned is $500,000. The use of EVA technique as defined under the PMBoK methodology shall be done to determine the gaps and variances in the project schedule and costs from the estimated values.
The Planned Value (PV) of the house building project is the costs spent till a particular timeframe of the project. The Actual Costs (AC) shall be determined by calculating the costs spent on the project. Earned Value (EV) shall also be calculated which includes the value of the time taken to complete the work in the project till specific date. The calculation of the cost and schedule variances shall be done by formulae as EV-AC and EV-PV respectively (Urgiles, Claver, & Sebastian, 2019). The performance indexes as SPI and CPI for schedule and costs shall also be determined as EV/PV and EV/AC. These values for the house building project shall be greater than 1 or 1 to indicate the adherence towards the defined values or favourable conditions.
Project Reports
Reporting in the project will be necessary to keep all the project stakeholders involved and informed about the project. The house building project will go on for 12 months and there will be numerous activities that will be executed in this timeframe. The project client, vendors, management, team, and other stakeholders will get to know about the project updates, issues, action plans, and decisions through the reports shared during the project.
· Status Reports: All the members in the project team shall submit a daily project status report to the Project Manager describing the activities performed by them during the day and the contribution to the project. The Project Manager shall present a weekly status report to the internal and external stakeholders covering the details of project progress, issues, achievements, planned activities for the next week, and areas of improvement.
· Risk Report: A detailed risk report shall be prepared and circulated by the Project Manager to the project team and the stakeholders including the details of the project risks, issues, score, and residual risk score along with the status of each risk (Lamptey & Fayek, 2012).
· Change Report: The project board shall release the change report in front of the management and the client describing the changes from the original scope, status of the changes confirmed, impact analysis, and summary.
· Compliance Reports: Each of the department managers, such as Quality Manager, Construction Manager, etc. will submit a weekly compliance report specific to their area of expertise and the compliance status in the same area.
· WHS Report: The house building project is a construction project and the construction projects are exposed to different forms of health and safety issues. The WHS report shall include the details of the policies, issues of non-compliance, achievements, and successes.
Application of 7 QC Tools
Cause & Effect Diagram
It is necessary that the possible problems that may emerge in the house building project are known and the impact of these problems, if occurred is determined. There are several resources that will be involved in the house building project and there will be different sets of activities and stakeholders that will be involved as well. Each of these areas may experience certain problems and issues which may have a significant impact on the project activity, resource, stakeholder, or the overall project. The delays in the project and the overrun of the project costs are the two major issues that may emerge and need to be handled. The cause & effect diagrams for the project is plotted below to highlight these causes and effects.
Check sheet
The check sheet for the house building project is developed to determine the overall quality of the project. It includes the several project aspects.
    Schedule Variance is 1 or greater than 1
    Cost Variance is 1 or greater than 1
    WHS Compliance >99%
    Net Promoter Score >4.5 on scale of 5
    Client Satisfaction Rate >4.5 on scale of 5
    Open risks with high risk score <1
    Procurement contracts signed...

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