Scenario: Imagine you are a probation officer who has been tasked with creating a report to share with the key personnel of the local school district to build awareness about laws and court processes...

Scenario: Imagine you are a probation officer who has been tasked with creating a report to share with the key personnel of the local school district to build awareness about laws and court processes that impact local court juvenile sentencing.

Writea report that consists of 2 parts:

Part 1: Data Visualization

Researchstatistics on populations of juvenile delinquents using the OJJDP’sEasy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics(EZAJCS) data tool for national data on juvenile delinquency demographics, offenses, and case processing trends. Choose 1 of the following options to investigate:

  • How 1 year’s delinquency case totals compare to another year’s totals based on the age at referral, manner of handling, and disposition

  • How 1 year’s case processing totals compare to another year for 2 types of offenses and how they vary for different demographic groups and genders

Createa visual representation of the data that shows a comparison of both groups, such as a chart, graphic image, diagram, or infographic. Do not use a table. Instead, select a visually appealing layout that your community would find easy to read and understand.

Createan image for your data visualization using an illustration tool in Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint®, or use an online drawing tool such as Piktochart® or Smore.

Part 2: Executive Summary

Writean executive summary of your findings in 250 to 525 words. Complete the following in your summary:

  • Explain the data shown in your image. Summarize what the difference in the numbers means for juvenile sentencing in courts.

  • Categorize the types of offenses that come under acts of delinquency and status offenses in juvenile courts.

  • Describe in detail the court process applicable for either type of offense and the court personnel associated with each process?

Submityour assignment.

Apr 08, 2024

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