SBSC4103: Measurement and Evaluation in Science ASSIGNMENT/TUGASAN _________________________________________________________________________ ABPC1103 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY/ PSIKOLOGI KLINIKAL SEPTEMBER...

Clinical psychology

SBSC4103: Measurement and Evaluation in Science ASSIGNMENT/TUGASAN _________________________________________________________________________ ABPC1103 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY/ PSIKOLOGI KLINIKAL SEPTEMBER 2020 SEMESTER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION / ARAHAN KHUSUS 1. Answer in Malay or English. / Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. 2. Number of words : 2500 – 3000 words excluding references / Jumlah patah perkataan : 2500 – 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. 3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file. / Hantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail. 4. Submit your assignment ONLINE. / Tugasan ini dihantar secara ONLINE. 5. Submission date : 15 NOVEMBER 2020 Tarikh penghantaran : 15 NOVEMBER 2020 6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course. / Tugasan ini menyumbang sebanyak 60% dari jumlah markah kursus. ASSIGNMENT QUESTION PURPOSE The purpose of the assignment is to expose learners with the basic knowledge of clinical psychology and to allow learners to relate real life experience with the terms relevant to clinical psychology. QUESTION 1 (40%) Watch the video titled ‘I'm Fine - Teen Depression PSA’ from the link below and attend to the instructions below: There are a few symptoms of depressions mentioned in the video. 1. Find TWO research articles about the symptoms of depressions. Write the links of the articles in your assignment. 2. Review those articles by writing the following a. The similarities and differences of the articles; b. Relate the content of the video to the articles that you have found. Are these articles supporting the video? Discuss whether the points mentioned in the video are facts or myths. QUESTION 2 (20%) Watch the second video titled ‘Beza Stress dan Depression’ from the link below and attend to the instructions below: Review the video and include the following ideas in your review: 1. The summary of the video. 2. Does the content of the video give new information to you? Elaborate. 3. Relate the video to any life event of sadness and depression that you have seen/watched/encountered before. [Total: 60 marks] SOALAN TUGASAN TUJUAN Tujuan tugasan adalah untuk mendedahkan pelajar dengan pengetahuan asas tentang psikologi klinikal dan untuk membolehkan pelajar mengaitkan pengalaman hidup sebenar dengan istilah yang berkaitan dengan psikologi klinikal. SOALAN 1 (40%) Tonton video bertajuk ‘I'm Fine - Teen Depression PSA ' dari pautan di bawah dan ikuti arahan di bawah: Terdapat beberapa gejala kemurungan yang disebut dalam video itu. 1. Cari DUA artikel penyelidikan mengenai gejala kemurungan. Tuliskan pautan artikel tersebut dalam tugasan anda. 2. Ulas artikel tersebut dengan menulis perkara berikut: a. Persamaan dan perbezaan artikel; b. Kaitkan kandungan video dengan artikel yang anda temui. Adakah artikel menyokong video? Bincangkan sama ada perkara yang disebutkan dalam video itu adalah fakta atau mitos. SOALAN 2 (20%) Tonton video kedua bertajuk ‘Beza Stress dan Depression’ dari pautan di bawah dan ikuti arahan di bawah: Ulaskan tentang video tersebut dan sertakan idea berikut di dalam ulasan anda: 1. Rumusan video. 2. Adakah kandungan video memberikan maklumat baharu kepada anda? Huraikan. 3. Kaitkan video kepada mana-mana peristiwa kehidupan kesedihan dan kemurungan yang telah anda lihat / diperhatikan / ditemui sebelum ini. [Jumlah: 60 markah] ATTACHMENT ASSIGNMENT RUBRICS QUESTION 1 (40%) ABPC1103 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY /SEPT 2020 *QN CLO Criteria Weight Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max Marks 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 Introduction. Pengenalan. 1.5 The introduction briefly defines related terms, thoroughly elaborates the objective of the assignment. Pengenalan secara ringkas mentakrifkan terma yang berkaitan, dengan teliti menghuraikan objektif tugasan. The introduction defines the terms briefly and explains the objective of the assignment. Pengenalan mendefinisikan terma secara ringkas dan menerangkan objektif tugasan. The introduction briefly includes the objective of the assignment but somehow misleading. Pengenalan disertakan objektif tugasan secara ringkas tetapi agak mengelirukan. The introduction does not include the objective of the assignment. Pengenalan tidak termasuk objektif tugasan. No introduction. Tiada pengenalan. 6 1 1 Review of the articles. Ulasan artikel. 2.5 The review was done thoroughly and comprehensively; learner was able to identify the similarities and differences between the articles, and highlighted the symptoms mentioned effectively. Ulasan dilakukan dengan teliti dan menyeluruh; pelajar dapat mengenal pasti persamaan dan perbezaan di antara artikel, dan menonjolkan gejala yang disebutkan dengan berkesan. The review was done clearly; learner was able to identify the similarities and differences between the articles, and highlighted the symptoms mentioned effectively. Ulasan telah dilakukan dengan jelas; pelajar dapat mengenal pasti persamaan dan perbezaan di antara artikel, dan menonjolkan gejala yang disebutkan dengan berkesan. The review was done but limited information was written on the similarities and differences between the articles, as well as the symptoms. Ulasan dilakukan tetapi maklumat terhad ditulis mengenai persamaan dan perbezaan antara artikel, dan juga gejala. The review was done briefly and much info from the articles were not mentioned. Ulasan dilakukan secara ringkas dan banyak maklumat dari artikel tidak disebutkan. No review done. Tiada ulasan dilakukan. 10 1 2 Analysis of the articles. Analisis artikel. 3 The analysis was very clear in stating the needed points to be highlighted. Elaborations on the points were accurately done. Learner was able to support the ideas with relevant credible reading resources. Analisis sangat jelas dalam menyatakan perkara yang diperlukan untuk ditonjolkan. Huraian pada poin telah dilakukan secara tepat. Pelajar dapat menyokong idea-idea dengan sumber bacaan yang boleh dipercayai. The analysis was clear in stating the needed points to be highlighted. Elaborations were included and supported with relevant credible reading resources. Analisis jelas dalam menyatakan poin yang diperlukan untuk ditonjolkan. Huraian disertakan dan disokong dengan sumber bacaan yang boleh dipercayai. The analysis was done but lack of clarity. Learner shows limited understanding of the articles. Supports are not consistent. Analisis telah dilakukan tetapi kurang jelas. Pelajar menunjukkan pemahaman yang terhad terhadap artikel-artikel. Sokongan tidak konsisten.. The analysis was brief and very surface. Explanation was confusing. Analisis adalah ringkas dan sangat cetek. Penjelasan mengelirukan. No analysis done. Tiada analisis dilakukan. 12 1 1 Conclusion. Kesimpulan. 1.5 The conclusion ties up the introduction and content in a well-described manner. Report is summarized well. Recommendations are explained in detail. Kesimpulan menyimpulkan pengenalan dan kandungan dengan gambaran yang baik. Laporan dirumuskan dengan baik. Cadangan dijelaskan secara terperinci. The conclusion ties up the introduction and content. Report is well summarized. Recommendations are included. Kesimpulan menyimpulkan pengenalan dan kandungan. Laporan disimpulkan dengan baik. Cadangan ada dimasukkan. A conclusion is included but information does not tie up introduction and content. New input given. Kesimpulan disertakan tetapi maklumat tidak mengikat pengenalan dan kandungan. Input baru diberikan. The conclusion is very vague and somehow irrelevant. Kesimpulan sangat samar-samar dan agak tidak berkaitan. No conclusion provided. Tiada kesimpulan disertakan. 6 1 1 Reference. Rujukan. 1.5 Three or more resources are listed and cited in the report according to APA referencing style. Elaborations of ideas are very convincing as relevant supports are included. Tiga atau lebih sumber disenaraikan dan dipetik dalam laporan mengikut gaya rujukan APA. Perincian idea-idea sangat meyakinkan kerana sokongan yang berkaitan dimasukkan. Three or more resources are listed and cited in the report. Elaborations of ideas are convincing with the use of the resources. Tiga atau lebih sumber disenaraikan dan dipetik dalam laporan. Penghuraian idea-idea adalah meyakinkan dengan penggunaan pelbagai sumber. Two to three resources are listed but not cited in the report and it is not clear which points that they support. Dua hingga tiga sumber disenaraikan tetapi tidak dipetik di dalam laporan, dan tidak jelas ia amenyokong mana idea didalam laporan. Only one reference is used for the whole report. Hanya satu rujukan digunakan untuk keseluruhan laporan No evidence of any use of sources. Tiada bukti penggunaan sebarang sumber. 6 Total 10 40 *QN = Question Number QUESTION 2 (20%) ABPC1103 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY /SEPT 2020 *QN CLO Criteria Weight Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max Marks 4 3 2 1 0 2 4 Summary. Rumusan. 1 The summary includes only the main ideas from the video. Rumusan ini hanya merangkumi idea utama dari video. The summary includes the main ideas from the video with one or two added details. Rumusan ini memasukkan idea utama dari video dengan satu atau dua butiran tambahan. The summary includes the main ideas from the video with obvious added details. Rumusan ini memasukkan idea utama dari video dengan butiran tambahan yang ketara. The summary does not include the main ideas from the video. Rumusan ini tidak memasukkan idea utama dari video. The summary only copied the what was written in the video. Rumusan hanya menyalin apa yang ditulis dalam video. 4 2 4 Elaboration on the understanding of the video. Huraian tentang pemahaman video 2 The elaboration was very clear and showed that learner has full understanding of the video. Learner was able to compare their previous understanding with current one and make comparison of that knowledge. Huraian adalah sangat jelas dan menunjukkan bahawa pelajar mempunyai pemahaman penuh mengenai video tersebut. Pelajar dapat membandingkan pemahaman mereka yang terdahulu dengan yang terkini dan membuat perbandingan pengetahuan itu. The elaboration was clear and showed that learner has understanding of the video. Learner was able to compare their previous understanding with current one and make comparison of that knowledge. Huraian jelas dan menunjukkan bahawa pelajar mempunyai pemahaman video. Pelajar dapat membandingkan pemahaman mereka yang terdahulu dengan yang terkini dan membuat perbandingan pengetahuan itu. The elaboration was quite clear and may be confusing at times. Learner was able to show that they somehow understand the content of the video. Huraian agak jelas dan kadang-kadang agak mengelirukan. Pelajar dapat menunjukkan bahawa mereka lebih kurang memahami kandungan video tersebut. The elaboration was very brief and misleading. Learner did not understand the content of the video. Huraian adalah sangat ringkas dan mengelirukan. Pelajar tidak memahami kandungan video. No answer. Tiada jawapan. 8 2 3 Relation to life experience. Kaitan kepada pengalaman hidup. 2 The explanation on the relation was very interesting and personal which shows full understanding of the content of the video. Penjelasan tentang kaitan sangat menarik dan peribadi yang menunjukkan pemahaman penuh kandungan video. The explanation on the relation quite interesting and personal which shows understanding of the content of the video. Penjelasan tentang kaitan agak menarik dan peribadi yang menunjukkan pemahaman kandungan video. The explanation on the relation was general as if it was from any readings or movies. Penjelasan mengenai kaitan adalah umum seolah-olah dari bacaan atau filem.. The explanation was vague and confusing. Learner did not understand the video. Penjelasan adalah samar-samar dan mengelirukan. Pelajar tidak memahami video itu No answer. Tiada jawapan. 8 TOTAL 5 20 *QN = Question
Oct 27, 2021

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