SBM XXXXXXXXXXTutorial 1 (Week1) 1. What are some of the differences between enterprise architecture (EA) and a systems-level planning approach? 2. Why is EA described as both a management program and...

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SBM 4303 - Tutorial 1 (Week1) 1. What are some of the differences between enterprise architecture (EA) and a systems-level planning approach? 2. Why is EA described as both a management program and an analysis and design method? 3. What are the four elements of an EA management program and the six elements of an EA analysis and design method? 4. What are some of the EA components and documentation artifacts that would be included in current and future views at each level of the EA³ Cube framework? 5. Can EA be used by all types of enterprises? If so, why? 6. How does an EA repository support the implementation methodology? 7. Choose a real-world large-sized enterprise and determine: a. Is information technology seen as a strategic asset? b. Does an enterprise architecture program exist? c. Are there gaps in business/technology performance that an enterprise architecture program could help identify and correct?
Answered Same DayAug 24, 2020SBM4303

Answer To: SBM XXXXXXXXXXTutorial 1 (Week1) 1. What are some of the differences between enterprise architecture...

Kuldeep answered on Aug 27 2020
152 Votes
Running head: Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
Project Management Plan
Student Name
University Name
Unit Code
PM documents    3
PM Plan    3
Integration Management    4
Scope Management    4
Cost Management    4
Resource Management    4
Communications Management    5
Stakeholder Management    5
PM Quality Management Plan    5
Risk management Plan    6
Explain the key threats related to improving quality in Information System projects    6
Value and impact of Information System project management related leg
al issues    9
Ethnic cultural differences whilst working in global teams    10
Procurement Plan    10
Project closing Phase    11
References    13
PM documents
PM Plan
A PM plan is a proper or a formal approval document used for the management of project execution. PMP records the actions required defining, to prepare, to integrate and to coordinate different IS project planning activities. PM plan defines the execution, monitoring, control, and shutdown of the project. It is gradually explained through updates throughout the project. PM plan is also a communication tool to ensure that major shareholders share the IS project's deep understanding (Guinto, Amore, Khanna & Dinescu, 2016). The PM plan is not a project plan timeline or schedule it to consist all important tasks and activities to meet the important steps identified in PM plan to complete IS project on a specified time and in a specified budget. The project objectives, goals and objectives, and concise statements of this information must come from IS the project charter.
IS Project Management Plan is the collection of benchmarks and sub-plans, including:
· Benchmarks of project scope, cost, and schedule
· Management plan scope, cost, and schedule, quality, HR, communications, procurement and risks associated with IS project.
· Change Management Plan
· Demand Management Plan
· Process improvement plan
· Configuration Management Plan
Integration Management
This is just a project management knowledge area where there are five process groups in each process. In this process, development of IS project, developing PM plan, operating and managing IS project work, as well as monitoring and control of the IS project, integrated changes are being controlled and close the project. The main objective of the work of Integrated Management is to implement as well as deliver the project successfully (Heldman, 2011).
Scope Management
There are six processes in this field of project management knowledge. Four of them belong to planning, to plan out the scope management, gathering requirements, defining the scope and making WBS. Two processes are related to monitoring and control process groups. They are scaling up the scope and controlling the scope of the entire project. With the help of Scope Management Process controlling the scope of a project become easy (Irving, Prager & Standley, 2010).
Cost Management
There are four processes in this field of project management knowledge. They are spending management, spending estimates, setting up budgets and controlling the pricing. Cost management practices are intended to complete the project within the planned budget.
Resource Management
There are four processes in this field of the IS project management knowledge. The planning of the resource management process is related to the planning phase and three other processes are related to the implementation process group and they are project team acquisition, development, and management. The project has been done by the project's members. Resource management process is mainly to manage project resources.
Communications Management
There are three processes in this project management knowledge field. They are planning to manage communications related to the planning phase, control management and control and control related to the management phase. In-house and externally, there is a definite dialogue for a project. Information transmission is done through the spread of the loan (Jaafari, 2000).
Stakeholder Management
There are four processes in this field of project management knowledge. These are: identifying stakeholders, planning stakeholder management, managing shareholder management and controlling stakeholder management. The stakeholder management process helps to manage the expectations of the project shareholders during the project.
PM Quality Management Plan
Project planning presents the necessary documents necessary to provide quality information needed to efficiently manage the project quality before delivery. It defines complete project's quality policies, procedures, rules and application areas and role, responsibilities, and authorities. QMP is in the planning stage of the entire project and it is considered as a component of PM Plan. Required help needed to complete the planned project manager, project sponsor, project team, and senior leader's plan. Establishment of a project quality management plan and associated procedures help for the achievement of project management (Lai, 2014). The current document provides practical guidance to coordinators, coordinating bodies and project partners to check the progress of the project and to...

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