SBIRT Adolescent Screening - Intervention Paper Purpose The purposes of this multi-part assignment are to: develop expertise with using CRAFFT to screen adolescents; practice methods of Motivational...

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SBIRT Adolescent Screening - Intervention Paper


The purposes of this multi-part assignment are to:

  • develop expertise with using CRAFFT to screen adolescents;

  • practice methods of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Brief Negotiated Intervention (BNI) assessment;

  • reflect on your SBIRT assessment skills;

  • consider aspects of the interview and use critical thinking skills;

  • develop an intervention for the interviewed adolescent.


The key to effective work with Hispanic youth is allowing them the opportunity to tell their story - giving them a voice to share their perspectives on matters impacting their life decisions. The SBIRT CRAFFT assessment tool is designed to give adolescents insight into characteristics

  • Write an intervention paper

  • Observe and evaluate interviews of your peers

The details for this assignment part are as follows:

- Intervention Paper

Based on the most severe outcome and highest possible risk, develop an intervention for the volunteer adolescent. Articulate the intervention in an APA paper including the following:

  • Identify ways you will engage the youth and family in an intervention. List the cultural components/elements you would employ.

  • Describe theoretical frameworks that would work best for this youth based on existing challenges and ages and stages of development and support it with literature.

  • While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to interacting with individuals and families, list in order the necessary steps and possible timeframes would be required to successfully achieve the phases of the intervention you have developed.

  • Briefly describe your SBIRT experience and discuss how your cultural lens was impacted as a result of this assignment exercise, explore, if would you do anything differently.

  • The paper should be 4 - 5 pages in length and follow APA (6th Edition) formatting and style.

Answered Same DayApr 12, 2021

Answer To: SBIRT Adolescent Screening - Intervention Paper Purpose The purposes of this multi-part assignment...

Malvika answered on Apr 14 2021
158 Votes
Intervention Paper
SBIRT CRAFFT Assessment Tool
Identify ways you will engage the youth and family in an intervention. List the cultural components/elements you would employ.
According to data, Hispanic adolescents are the fastest gro
wing group in America that is a minority group according to ethnicity. As mentioned in the instructions, the best way to engage the youth and family would be to allow them to choice their opinion. As it is adolescents and adults generally do not like to be told what they need to do. Thus, an intervention should also support this and be good for them. SBIRT refers to Screening, Brief, Intervention, and Referral to Treatment as discussed by Barbosa (2017). CRAFT refers to the questionnaire which includes questions about Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Family or Friends and Trouble. The SBIRT CRAFT Assessment Tool could be used for the proper analysis of the youth that visit the screening center.
The data suggests that the youth and family drop out of the interventions a lot of time and thus care should be taken to ensure their continuity in the program. The most important way to engage the youth is to make them feel comfortable and at home in the program. The Hispanic group have a history of being under stress and feeling out of place in the programs or society. Thus, this cultural component should be kept in mind mentioned Blum (2014). Also, it should be taken care that their religious beliefs are not disturbed during the intervention. Once the group feels like they are being heard and their voice has ears, they would talk, tell their story and might even be able to continue with the program till the end.
Describe theoretical frameworks that would work best for this youth based on existing challenges and ages and stages of development and support it with literature.
Adolescence has been divided into three stages i.e. early, middle and late. The early adolescence or age group between 10 to 14 years is considered to be filled with changes that could be physical, cognitive, and social. Research shows that though important, these years are generally the most neglected ones for the children. Certain theoretical frameworks exist that could guide the people to deal with adolescents during this time. These years of life could really make or break the individual and if treated with the right energy, the individual’s future would depend on these years mentions Pilowsky (2013)....

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