Sales Prediction
The East Coast sales division of a company generates 58 percent of total sales. Based on that percentage, write a program that will predict how much the East Coast division will generate if the company has $8.6 million in sales this year. Display your prediction on the screen.
Miles per Gallon
A car holds 15 gallons of gasoline and can travel 375 miles before refueling. Write a program that calculates the number of miles per gallon (MPG) the car gets.
Display the result on the screen
Stock Commission
Kathryn brought 750 shares of stock at a price of $35.00 per share. She must pay her stockbroker a 2 percent commission for the transaction. Write a program that
calculates and displays the following
- The amount paid for the stock alone (without the commission).
- The amount of the commission.
- The total amount paid (for the stock plus the commission).
Annual Pay
Suppose an employee gets paid every two weeks and earns $2,200 each pay period. In a year, the employee gets paid 26 times. Write a program that defines the following variables:
payAmount This variable will hold the amount of pay the employee earns each pay period.
Initialize the variable with 2200.0
payPeriods This variable will hold the number of pay periods in a year.
Initialize the variable with 26.
annualPay This variable will hold the employee’s total annual pay, which will be calculated.
Display the total annual payment on the screen.
Total Purchase
A customer in a store is purchasing five items. The prices of the five items are:
price of item 1 = $15.95
price of item 2 = $24.95
price of item 3 = $6.95
price of item 4 = $12.95
price of item 5 = $3.95
Write a program that holds the prices of the five itemsin five variables. Display
- each item’s price,
- the subtotal of the sale (total price of five items without tax),
- the amount of sales tax,
- the total.
Assume the sales tax is 7%, define it as a
named constant
in your program.
Energy Drink Consumption
A soft drink company recently surveyed 16500 of its customers and found that approximately 15 percent of those surveyed purchase one or more energy drinks per week. Of those customers who purchase energy drinks, approximately 58 percent of them prefer citrus-flavored energy drinks. Write a program that displays the following:
- The approximate number of customers in the survey who purchase one or more energy drinks per week.
- The approximate number of customers in the survey who prefer citrus-flavored energy drinks.
C++ code