S, xlsx and gif are examples of file e. formats dextensions 9. Which of the following is NOT true about working with files? a. When renaming a file, keep the original file extension. b. Store programs...

S, xlsx and gif are examples of file e. formats dextensions 9. Which of the following is NOT true about working with files? a. When renaming a file, keep the original file extension. b. Store programs and data files in the root directory c. Do not mix data and program files d. Access files from the hard drive for best performance 10. Which of the following is NOT true about managing files? a. A folder is a logical representation of where you store your files on a conm b. In Windows, the default location for a spreadsheet file is in the Documents folder. c. The Windows operating system labels storage devices with letters d. A computer file's location is defined by a file configuration. 11. 0s and Is are electronic signals that represent a. on and off e. negative and positive d. Both A and B b. yes and no 12. data is composed of letters, symbols, and numerals that will not be used in arithmetic operations. a. Character e. Digital b. Alphanumeric d. All of the above. 13. ASCII and EBCDIC are used for. a. storing files e. measuring clock speed b. coding character data d. creating computer chips 14. Digitized images are a series of colored dots called b. bits a. pixels c. bytes d. analog dits 15. Sounds are represented as continuous sund waves. a. analog c. sampled b. digital d. binary 16. An analog sound wave is digitized by it at various points and converting those points into digital numbers a. processing c. sampling b. benchmarking d. caching 17. Typically,are used to refer to hard drive, optical storage media, and solid state drive capacities. lly, are used to refer to hard drive, optical storage media, and solid state drive capacities a. kilobits c. gigabytes b. megabits d. megabytes

May 19, 2022

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