Rrrr', 112244778; insert into Guest values 5, Vuige', Maye!254Looms, Ipelka, 35974324780, RoboSwae rrr,66447837. For this preject - ou aill be uviting a pngra you segy chouse whatever peogranning...

Answer fast…Rrrr', 112244778;<br>insert into Guest values<br>5, Vuige', Maye!254Looms, Ipelka, 35974324780, RoboSwae<br>rrr,66447837.<br>For this preject - ou aill be uviting a pngra you segy chouse<br>whatever peogranning lengroge yow we o revad in z<br>datebase tabler fiem Lab 5, and then pwinr ona she tents of<br>eech of the takeu Alelsinalls yue st priet et frast ne yaery<br>ewt wieh she fialhaing daes<br>insert into Volunteer values<br>90,

Extracted text: Rrrr', 112244778; insert into Guest values 5, Vuige', Maye!254Looms, Ipelka, 35974324780, RoboSwae rrr,66447837. For this preject - ou aill be uviting a pngra you segy chouse whatever peogranning lengroge yow we o revad in z datebase tabler fiem Lab 5, and then pwinr ona she tents of eech of the takeu Alelsinalls yue st priet et frast ne yaery ewt wieh she fialhaing daes insert into Volunteer values 90, "Wike', Dickeson', 32Chicngo, Bears', 021356332 Mickey Derrrr 2019121): insert into Volunteer values 77, Coach, Carter', Ludoale', Atlanta', 9035467789, CCoach@r *HIERE *ORDER RY kowe nst sabianit the foltoving *Jour progra's soor cde rr 20191090): insert into Volunteer vales 23, 7arry', Ludo', 30Mega', 'Hatkinsville', '11156267252', Road Hog@ rrr 2019315), insert into Volunteer values (10, 'Taykor', Ireka', 911Gotham, City', 6342139902, "BGodarr zr 2019923; insert into Volunteer values 68, Elvis', Eton, 'iRocky Rd,'Athens', 895 13631244, Starway@rrerr ,20191012; "Screenshos of the progrn's outpret Lab 3 Table Cnate table CiN Guesld int rediprieary key. Gesatirst Veae valar2 Gresilas Vene vorvhor 20, insert into Shifi values Gurtity warehar (20. CuesiPhrone rehar 20, (20190207,TO Date "20190207', 'YYYYMMDD).TO Date 2019 (213, YYYYMADD); insert into Shift values (20100821,TO_Date "20190821', YYYYVMDD", To_Date"2019 0916, YYYYMMDD"): insert into Shifi values 201901 13,TO Date 201901 13', YYYYMMDD",TO Date 2019 0130', YYYYMMDD"): insert into Shifi values (20190420, TO Date "20190420', YYYMMDD,TO Date "2019 0501, YYYYMMDD): insert into Shift values 20191008, TO Date "2019108', YYYYMMDD.TO Date 2019 1220, YYYYMMIDD Stayld ant Create table Volwteer TolentevelD int Not wull primary hey, TaluntrertürstVawe varhar. Tobenteerta Nase varchor 20. Tdeaterr Adedres weeher (30, VolenteerCity vYkan20. T'abenteer Pler uvhar 29, ShiD Crente toble Shift Insert into Inventory values 912109, Clothes', 13.435: insert into Inventory values (789567, Remotes ,9.503): insert into leventory valnes (0532, Vurniture',26.37,2); Shifil) int wat nadl privenary key Shifil V ate, insert into Inventory vales (411235, 'Sandwkich 3.99,7): insert into Invenlory values O9576, Bags',0.2,9; Create keble Inventory Iusert into Schedule values 020720 19,TO Date,"20190207, TYYYMMDD",70 Date 2019 0128 , 'YYYYMAIDD", 12): insert into Schecule values O82 120 19,TO DDate "201M821", YYYMMDD", TO Date 2019 1 108', 'YYYYMADD", 14); InventorySke iet aot uli priury key, Ivenstrry Veaner erchar 30, JavenkuryPrice der, insert into Schedhule vatues Crente teble Sddule 01132019.TO DDate "20190113', YYYYMMDD",TO Date "2019 03 19'. YYYYMMDD.I: GaestCand int not nali primary ke: Checkln dete, insert into Scherule valtues 012020 19,TO Date 20190120', YYYMMDD", 70 Date "2019 (019, YYYYMMDD,7: insert into Schehule values Check nt date. (TINAN20 19.TO Date "20190MIS', YYYYMMDD",TO Date 2019 1028', YYYYMADD6: Create teble oir Donort) int no Nn priaary dey. Ekanortirst Vane Vandar 30. Dolase Vae ronhar 20. Insert into Donor values 003, Carl', Carly', "45Alley', Atlenta910210843, cariCar@rrs rr.76: insert into Donor values 01, Chuck'. Berry", 87Ppernickle'.Mthens' 67826800 2, Chuße IAwn iy werhear (20, Dotr lmoet int nsert into Door values 007, "Tom', "Jerry', OIWhich', Watkinsville',63258N541, Cartoon egrear.com'.600 insert into Donor walues 004, "Todd', Gurley', Football, Stadium', 7869367833, Footlerr isesert into Gurst vabes (1. Bob. Dylon. 07Maine'. Greensite ONSGIO. BDaerz isesert into Geest vabes 2. Sane'. Porter : N tsa. rie, 7MEEMSEH", SAMloay iesert iotu Gerst vebers 3, Ynerk', "Berser, Slageo, Mokvia, 21578233 , RaanVRar nsert into Door alues ONG, Kanye', 'West'. North, West'83859205. Yeezzus@rrrr'.50 iesert into Guest vabes 4, Ema Sone, iHolly, WiedBid, 726793226, Kelelof insert into Door values 009, Kenny', Cee, 'Worlds', Ends,8374823859, KenCa.rerrr3
Jun 11, 2022

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