DMIT 1501 Introduction to Rigging and Animation Project 1: Original Character Model with Full Functional Control Rig and Animation Basics Project Description and Instructions: · Create an animation of...

Rigging and Animating in Maya. The project is described in the attached files.

DMIT 1501 Introduction to Rigging and Animation Project 1: Original Character Model with Full Functional Control Rig and Animation Basics Project Description and Instructions: · Create an animation of a realistic bouncing ball · Create an original cartoon character (must be original concept). · Cartoon must have good topology (animator friendly). · Model must be rigged with color coded control curves for both right and left. · Naming convention that is consistent and organized. · Painted skin weights demonstrating good deformations. Have a copy ready on the due date. Be prepared to demonstrate the functionality of the rig for the instructor in class. Will mark it in class. Submission Requirements · Submit the bouncing ball animation file into the DMIT 1501 student drop box (your drop box). · File format is .mp4 · Animation should be compressed. · Use After Effects and H264 compression as this will allow the file to be saved as .mp4. · Submit entire Maya project with scene file, models and textures into the DMIT 1501 student drop box (your drop box). · Name the project folder “Project 1” How it will be marked: DMIT1501 Marking Rubric Project 1 Character Rig Original Cartoon Model Marks Allocated Assigned Marks Animated Ball Exercise animation submitted 5 Head and Eyes 2 Torso 2 Knee and Elbow Controls 4 Misc (Hands, Tail, etc) 2 Reverse Lock Joint and controls 4 Aesthetics (creativity, model quality) 3 Good Deformations 4 Topology 2 Textures 2 General Deductions 0 E.g. Submission requirements not followed. (Compressed .mp4 animation, object naming or grouping structure) Assignment Total 30 0 Grading Rubric Scale 0-1 mark Scale 0-2 marks 0 - Not completed 0 - Not completed 1 - Completed 1 - Below expectations 2 - Met or exceeded expectations Scale 0-3 marks Scale 0-4 marks 0 - Not completed 0 - Not completed 1 - Below expectations 1 - Below expectations 2 - Met expectations but could suggest improvements. 2 - Expectations partly met but has significant problems 3 - Could not suggest any improvements. 3 - Met expectations but could suggest improvements. 4 - Could not suggest any improvements. DMIT 1501 Introduction to Rigging and Animation Project 2: Create a Translating Walk cycle with Personality Project description and instructions: · Create a believable translating walk cycle with good, natural motion · Demonstrate animation layers by having the character do something different part way through the walk cycle and the resume walking. · Feet must be planted firmly on the ground (no sliding) · Good hip rotations, head bounce and overall movement · Be creative and give your cartoon some personality · Examples: Super hero walk, timid walk, sexy walk, tough guy walk, fashion model etc. Submission Requirements Create one animation rendered from 5 different angles. Instructor will show examples. Front, side, back and two perspective angles. Render and then compile in After Effects. Export as an “.mp4” file with compression to save space. Note: That you will have to hide everything except the geometry when rendering Hardware 2.0. High quality renders using Arnold or Mental ray are acceptable but do take much longer to render. · Render the frames at HD720 resolution using “Hardware 2.0” for speed. · Scene must have a textured floor and be well lit. · Submit the animation file into the DMIT 1501 student drop box (your drop box). · Length: ~50 sec.; 10 sec animation or approximately 8 full steps per camera angle. Note: Extremely large animation files >1Gig will not be marked. · File format is .mp4 · Animation should be compressed. · Use AfterEffects and H264 compression as this will allow the file to be saved as .mp4. DMIT1501 Marking Rubric Project 2 Translate Character Walk Cycle Original Cartoon Model Marks Allocated Assigned Marks Aesthetics (creativity) 2 Textures 1 Believable and natural motion (arms, head, etc) 3 Good feet to floor contact 2 Good foot Rolls 2 Character walk is unique (style, emotion, attitude) 2 General Deductions 0 E.g. Submission requirements not followed. (Compressed .mp4 animation, object naming or grouping structure) Assignment Total 12 0 Grading Rubric Scale 0-1 mark Scale 0-2 marks 0 - Not completed 0 - Not completed 1 - Completed 1 - Below expectations 2 - Met or exceeded expectations Scale 0-3 marks Scale 0-4 marks 0 - Not completed 0 - Not completed 1 - Below expectations 1 - Below expectations 2 - Met expectations but could suggest improvements. 2 - Expectations partly met but has significant problems 3 - Could not suggest any improvements. 3 - Met expectations but could suggest improvements. 4 - Could not suggest any improvements.
Mar 06, 2021

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