Review this example and modify the example code, so that you can create a table with two columns of data: character and frequency of times the character is present in the string. In Python import...

Review this example and modify the example code, so that you can create a table with two columns of data:<br>character and frequency of times the character is present in the string. In Python<br>import pandas as pd<br>import numpy as np<br>data =<br>{Name':[James', Paul, Richards' Marico', Samantha',

Extracted text: Review this example and modify the example code, so that you can create a table with two columns of data: character and frequency of times the character is present in the string. In Python import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = {Name':[James', Paul, Richards' Marico', Samantha', "Ravi" Raghu', Richards',George', Ema'. "Samantha', "Catherine']. "State':['Alaska','California', Texas','North Carolina', California'. Texas' Alaska', Texas', "North Carolina', 'Alaska', "California', Texas']} df1=pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Name', "Statel) print(df1)

Jun 08, 2022

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