Review theELF webpage Deep Green Strategy Indigenous Resistance to the New Colonialism...

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Review theELF webpage

Deep Green Strategy

Indigenous Resistance to the New Colonialism

Mapping Environmental Resistance

Energy from Below

2. Discussion Questions Due tonight

Environmental activism is growing and in many cases led by indigenous people. Using and citing the texts summarize the aims of this week's groups and identify which one of these groups you think most and least effective. Would you join an environmental group, if so, which one and if not, why?

Answered Same DayMar 29, 2021

Answer To: Review theELF webpage Deep Green Strategy...

Azra S answered on Mar 30 2021
145 Votes
Indigenous population and Environmental resistance
The lives of the indigenous have deeply been inv
olved with nature. That is why; it is not strange to find that the indigenous population is actively being undertaken by them. To the indigenous, environment is not only their home; it is a part of their culture and tradition that they value. Most of them prefer to stay in their own lands even if offered better facilities elsewhere (Castro and Nielsen, 229-239). This is clearly demonstrated through the goals of groups like...

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