Review the data on water absorption for dried cowpeas in Table 8.33 (Case Study 7.1 and Exercise 8.12). Model y = water absorption as a function of x = soaking time using a Gompertz function y = θ1exp(θ2exp(θ3x)) + ε.
(a) Begin by plotting y versus x, and obtaining initial rough estimates of the parameters. Note that θ1
is the maximum possible expected value, and θ2
is the logarithm of the ratio of the value at time 0 to the maximum value. To estimate θ3, first guess t, the approximate time at which the curve reaches 90% of its maximum value. Then use θ3
[ln(ln(:9)∕θ2) ∕t.
(b) Obtain the fitted values for the parameters using a nonlinear regression program.
(c) Using the fitted parameter values, estimate the time at which the peas will have absorbed 75% of their maximum value.
Study 7.1
The regression model’s assumption of a straight-line relationship between X and Y may seem extremely restrictive. However, simple mathematical transformations of either X; Y, or both can often result in linear relationships for the re-expressed variables. An important part of the modeling process is to examine the linearity assumption (often graphically), and if necessary, to search for transformations that will improve linearity
Taiwo et al. (1998) examined the influence of soaking time for cowpeas on their cooking properties. Dried cowpeas are an important source of nutrition in West Africa, and proper soaking affects both the amount of time required to cook them (important when cooking fuel is scarce) and their palatability. The authors fit a number of linear regressions relating y = Quantity of Water Absorbed in grams (WATER) to x ¼ Soaking Time in hours (STIME), under a variety of soaking temperature and pea variety conditions. For example, when soaked at room temperature, variety Ife-BPC had the following observations:
The scatterplot of WATER versus STIME is highly curvilinear. The authors improved the linearity by taking the logarithms of each variable, fitting the model ln(WATER) = β0
+ β1
ln(STIME) + ε. Under these conditions, they estimatedβ0
= 1:979; β1
= 0:26, and r = :968. (The interpretation of r will be discussed in Section 7.7.) After examining a number of these regressions, the authors conclude that soaking time is extremely important in predicting water absorption, but less effective in predicting depth of penetration.
One feature of the data is apparent from a quick inspection. After a certain amount of soaking time, water absorption ceases to increase. The cowpeas have absorbed as much as they can. This kind of nonlinearity cannot be captured by a simple transformation. One simple fix is to fit a quadratic curve rather than a straight line. This topic will be addressed in Chapter 8.