Review the attached "Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay" resource to help guide you through the structure of a five-paragraph essay.Review the media piece The Writing Process to help you prepare your...

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Review the attached "Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay" resource to help guide you through the structure of a five-paragraph essay.

Review the media piece The Writing Process to help you prepare your first draft.

Review your outline feedback from your instructor to help you prepare your first draft.

Write the first draft of your five-paragraph expository essay, which should be 750-1,000 words.

Review the First Draft Rubric to help you make sure all elements are present in your essay. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Review the attached "Essay Checklist" to help you review and make sure your essay includes the following:

An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.

Three body or supporting paragraphs.

A concluding paragraph.

In-text citations and a reference page. (Remember to reference and cite any supporting information you are taking from your articles-if it is not your original thought, there needs to be a citation and reference.)

Essay Checklist UNV-104 __________________________________________ ____Organization: APA formatted cover page, five separated paragraphs, Reference Page ____ Research: Proper Topic that is supported with a peer reviewed article (research is included through in-text citations/paraphrased information from article(s). ____ Conventions/Mechanics: Proof-read entire paper, no spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors; double-spaced throughout entire paper; paragraphs indented; references are listed correctly on reference page; minimum word count has been met and maximum word count has not been exceeded. ____ Ideas/Content: Your topic and three main arguments are clear to the reader; there is a structured idea behind your essay; your arguments and research are aligned to one another; your essay meets the LopesWrite requirements for submission. ____ Word Choice: Academic writing is met, correct words used in context; essay contains a variety of sentence structures and uses complete, detailed expressions within the writing. *No incomplete, incoherent, or fragment sentences are found. ____ Voice/Tone: Essay is written in 3rd Person Point of View (there is no “I” statements in the writing); message is clear and original in thought from the writer’s perspective on the topic and arguments (research is only there to support these claims). ____ Sentence/Paragraph Fluency: There is a smooth transitioning between paragraphs; sentences within the body paragraphs flow and are easy to read and follow; there is an unison of the topic chosen and the arguments presented in the essay; research enhances the paragraphs, and does not take the majority of the paragraph itself-again, research is to support, not create the essay. © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay Resource Format & Organization: · Use a Times New Roman font, unless given permission from instructor to use another font choice. · ALL lettering should be sized at 12 point; the title included Heading and Title: · Make sure your cover page is in proper APA format. · Your title should be centered and capitalized appropriately per APA or the appropriate style format. Introduction Paragraph: · The first paragraph of your essay is the introductory paragraph. · In this first paragraph of your essay, you should review your topic in a general fashion. You should also tell the reader why they might care to read more. · The final sentence of your introductory paragraph will be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement will guide the reader as to what will follow. Body Paragraphs: (Middle Paragraphs of the Essay) · Each paragraph should be limited to one idea. · Each paragraph should be connected in some way to your thesis statement. · Within your body paragraphs, include the information from the resources you found. · Do not forget to cite information from outside sources. · Your final body paragraph may look at opposing views. For a well-rounded point of view, it is important to consider multiple perspectives. · The body of your essay should include detailed, accurate, and relevant information that aims to support your thesis statement. Concluding Paragraph: · Your last paragraph is your conclusion. Rather than simply restating your introduction, try and brand your reader with your closing statements. · Tell the reader again about your topic, thesis, and main point(s) of your essay. · End with a strong stance on the topic to make the reader think about what they just read; leave an impact. Using Transitions: · Transitions are very important to your essay. Transitions are the glue that holds the paragraphs of your paper together. · Examples of transitions are: next, furthermore, moreover, however, on the other hand, no doubt, and finally. · You should be using these from transitions in thought and in ending and/or beginning new paragraphs. Using Citations: · Citations are used to reference material from another source. · Using citations to give credit to others whose ideas or words you have used is an essential requirement to avoid issues of plagiarism. · To avoid potential problems, always be sure to cite your sources by referring to the author’s last name and the year of publication in parentheses at the end of the sentence, such as (Johnson, 2008) and page or paragraph numbers if you are using word-for-word materials, such as “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” (Kennedy, 1960, p. 34). Reference Page: · The reference list should appear at the end of a paper. · It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. · Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. · For examples of references, please refer to the appropriate style guide, located in the Writing Center portion of the Student Success Center. © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Name: Sydareha Moss Course:Unv 104 Date:10/8/2013 Instructor: Dave Expository Essay: Outline Directions: 1. Please review your Topic 3 readings and the “Planning and Getting Started” section of “The Writing Process” media piece. 2. Fill in the outline and references sections below. Use a minimum of three peer reviewed resources to support your subtopics (one resource per supporting paragraph). Make sure to use complete sentences when completing the outline. Expository Essay Topic: How does class size affect learning in the classroom? Essay Title: Class room I. Introduction: (Begin with a hook sentence to capture your audience’s attention, then provide a brief background of the topic and end with your thesis statement.) a. Hook: The number of students in a class can have an impact on learning in many different ways and put them at a disadvantage. If the class size is too big, every student won't be able to understand the same idea effectively. b. Additional background information: In a small class setting, students can absorb and understand the lesson being taught. The success rate is higher and there is more one on one interaction. c. Mapped Thesis statement (review Topic 3 DQ1 for feedback from instructor): Different learning styles, the classroom environment, and challenging pupils are all impacted by classroom size. II. Support Supporting Point #1 (subtopic 1): ___________________ a. Topic sentence for this first sub-topic : The researchers discuss student engagement, stress factors, academic accomplishment, and teacher effectiveness. B Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations · Topic sentence for this first sub-topic: Class size has an adverse impact on students' learning because it manipulates the instructors' teaching methods (Bedard, Kuhn, & Westerlund, 2008). · Supporting paraphrase 2: According to research, larger classes result in lower student achievement grade point averages (Dillon, Kokkelenberg, & Christy, 2008). Supporting Point #2 (subtopic 2): ___________________ a. Topic sentence for this second sub-topic: The purpose of this essay is to highlight the issues with misbehavior, classroom management, and discipline in a learning setting. Additionally, it discusses the causes and potential remedies while focusing on the parents, teachers, and school officials. b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations · Supporting paraphrase 1: Being structured and successfully managing a classroom helps provide a positive learning environment while avoiding issues and inappropriate conduct (Brophy, 1983). · Supporting paraphrase 2: There will be a drop in grades. Bullied children and adolescents miss out on the advantages of attending class and completing their assignments effectively if they resort to skipping school. They won't perform as well on the assignments as the students who attend class every day because they are missing important information during the lecture. Supporting Point #3 (subtopic 3): ____________________ a. Topic sentence for this third sub-topic: By encouraging pupils to learn on their own to improve their academic performance. Students who do not practice self-regulated learning are hindering their ability to succeed. b. Two to three paraphrased supporting details from your research with in-text citations · Supporting paraphrase 1: Goal planning, strategy selection, self-monitoring, reflection, and adaptive learning are some of the important components that struggling students should address using self-regulated learning (John Wiley &Sons Ltd., 2015). · Supporting paraphrase 2: Some struggling students could use the help of their peers to figure out what they need to do to succeed (John Wiley &Sons Ltd., 2015). III. Conclusion: (Paraphrase your thesis statement, summarize main points, and make final remarks.) a. Paraphrase thesis statement: Every student learns differently depending on the size of the classroom. b. Summarize main points: The major objectives of collecting data from various scholarly journals were to assess the connections between student learning and class size. Additionally, by observing the parents, school administrators, and instructors, it is possible to comprehend the misbehavior, classroom management, and discipline issues and find a potential solution. Students who don't participate in self-regulated learning are making it harder for themselves to succeed. References L. Chapman, L. Ludlow, and others (2010). Can smaller college class sizes improve student performance? An analysis of how class size affects students' learning. Journal of General Education, 59(2), pp. 105–123. (2010). Erdoan, M., Kurşun, E., şman, G. T., Saltan, F., Gök, A., and Yildiz. Information Technology Class: A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management and Classroom Discipline Problems, Causes, and Solutions. Theory & Practice in Educational Sciences, 10(2), 881–891. The authors are Patel, Tarrant, Bonas, Yates, and Sandars (2015). From the standpoint of self-regulated learning, a thematic analysis of the struggling student. 49(4) Medical Education
Answered Same DayOct 20, 2023

Answer To: Review the attached "Writing a Five-Paragraph Essay" resource to help guide you through the...

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