Return to the corn TDM data given in Table 10.1 and discussed in Example 10.1. You wish to take advantage of the quantitative nature of the factors by fitting a model that treats them as interval variables. Based on the plot in Figure 10.5, you decide to include linear effects for WTR, linear and quadratic effects for NRATE, and linear, quadratic, and cubic effects for P, together with a variety of interactions. Identify and fit a model that is as simple as possible (using the fewest possible terms) while still adequately fitting the data. Use the sums of squares for model from the analysis in Section 10.6 (Table 10.22) as the basis for a lack of fit test for your proposed model. Use a plot of the predicted values from your model to explain the effects and make recommendations for WTR, P, and NRATE. What does your model assume about the effect of replicate (REP) and the errors from observations within the same replicate?
Example 10.1
We are interested in the yield response of corn to the following factors:
WTR: levels of irrigation with levels 1 and 2,
NRATE: rate of nitrogen fertilization with levels 1, 2, and 3, and
P: planting rates with levels 5, 10, 20, and 40 plants per experimental plot.
The response variable is total dry matter harvested (TDM). The experiment is a 2
4 factorial experiment. Because of physical limitations the experiment was conducted as follows:
’ The experiment used four fields with 24 plots to accommodate all factor level combinations.
’ Normally each of the 24 plots would be randomly assigned one factor level combination. However, because it is physically impossible to assign different irrigation levels to the individual plots, each field was divided in half and each half randomly assigned an irrigation level.
’ The 12 factor levels of the other factors (NRATE and P) were randomly assigned to one of the small plots within each half field.
A possible additional complication arises from the fact that the specified planting rates do not always produce that exact number of plants in each plot. Therefore the actual plants per plot are also recorded. For the time being, we will assume that this complication does not affect the analysis of the data. We will return to this problem in Chapter 11, Exercise 14 where the effect of the different number of plants in each plot will be examined. The data are shown in Table 10.1. The NRATE and WTR combinations are identified as rows, and the four sets of columns correspond to the four planting rates (P). The two entries in the table are the actual number of plants per plot (NO) and the total dry matter (TDM). The solution is presented in Section 10.6.