Retrieve program money.cpp from the Lab 6.2 folder. The code is as follows: #include #include using namespace std; // PLACE YOUR NAME HERE void normalizeMoney(float& dollars, int cents = 150); // This...

Retrieve program money.cpp from the Lab 6.2 folder. The code is as follows:



using namespace std;


void normalizeMoney(float& dollars, int cents = 150);

// This function takes cents as an integer and converts it to dollars

// and cents. The default value for cents is 150 which is converted

// to 1.50 and stored in dollars

int main()


int cents;

float dollars;

cout <><>

cents = 95;

cout <>

// Fill in the code to call normalizeMoney to add 95 cents

cout <><><>

cout <>

// Fill in the code to call normalizeMoney to add 193 cents

cout <><><>

cout <>

// Fill in the code to call normalizeMoney to add the default value of cents

cout <><><>

return 0;


// *******************************************************************************

// normalizeMoney


// task: This function is given a value in cents. It will convert cents

// to dollars and cents which is stored in a local variable called

// total which is sent back to the calling function through the

// parameter dollars. It will keep a running total of all the money

// processed in a local static variable called sum.


// data in: cents which is an integer

// data out: dollars (which alters the corresponding actual parameter)


// *********************************************************************************

void normalizeMoney(float& dollars, int cents)


float total=0;

// Fill in the definition of sum as a static local variable

sum = 0.0;

// Fill in the code to convert cents to dollars

total = total + dollars;

sum = sum + dollars;

cout <><><">

cout <><>

cout <><>


Exercise 1: You will notice that the function has to be completed. This function will take cents and convert it to dollars. It also keeps a running total of all the money it has processed. Assuming that the function is complete, write out what you expect the program will print.

Exercise 2: Complete the function. Fill in the blank space to define sum and then write the code to convert cents to dollars. Example: 789 cents would convert to 7.89. Compile and run the program to get the expected results. Think about how sum should be defined.

May 19, 2022

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