Results• Provide descriptive statistics. How many people ended up in each group? What were the means and standard deviations of each group?• Provide results of hypothesis testing, i.e. 3 x independent...

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Results• Provide descriptive statistics. How many people ended up in each group? What were the means and standard deviations of each group?• Provide results of hypothesis testing, i.e. 3 x independent samples t-tests
Raw STATA Output:

Answered Same DaySep 25, 2021University of Sydney

Answer To: Results• Provide descriptive statistics. How many people ended up in each group? What were the means...

Suraj answered on Sep 25 2021
153 Votes
Hypothesis Testing Output Report
From the first output, there are two samples one is science an
d another is non-science. In science sample there are 451 observations and in the non-science sample there are 563 observations. The mean for the science sample is 3.6683 and for non-science sample is 3.8282. The standard deviation for the science sample is 1.0732 and for non-science group is 1.0451. The t-test is conducted for two independent samples with equal variances in three phases those are two-tailed test, left-tailed test and the right tailed test. The test statistic value is -2.3921. The null hypothesis is that the difference between two samples is 0. The p-values for two-tailed test and left-tailed test are 0.0169 and 0.0085 respectively. Both the values are less than the level of significance at 5%. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. The p-value for the right-tailed test is 0.9915 which is greater than the level of significance. Hence, the null hypothesis is not...

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