Response Requirements
Analyze this article discussing three reasons leading to Lisa Park's sister's suicide. Your analysis should include your opinion on each of the reasons you mention.
Notes: You must use at least two direct quotes from the article. You should cite any quotes like this: "Direct quote from the book" (Author's last name, p. #). The response should be at least in 300 words
Chapter 21 —— A Letter to My Sister Lisa Park | [fs been almost siX years since your suicide. Now when I think about you (and I think shout you often), I feel you are somehow with me. My dreams of us together are as sivid and life-composing as any conscious, waking moment. Some like to think that aur waking lives are more real, because we believe we can determine them through the choices we make, and that our dreams are merely their epiphenomenal reflections or, worse, expressions of unfulfilled desires. Your presence is more than a memory or a wish. My dreams are ghostly impressions of our collective past, as well as a sponta- neous living of experiences I know we never shared before you died, like the dream I bad of you and me walking arm in arm. I remembered it as if it was a lost memory, even though I know it never “really happened.” I am sometimes grateful for this, be- Guse your phantom presence helps me to continue remembering, which I know is important even though it almost rips me apart. No matter how hard I try to subdue, through forgetting, the pain that came with the destruction of our lives, I must bear Witness to the crimes committed against you (and against us) that led to your suicide. Conscious memories require constant attention, or else history will erase what hap- yan] disappear as if you had never existed at all Isn't this why you 1 Ree rs to inscribe what you had learned from living under siege? : Kiichen re ri time, when 1 found you after you had cut your wrists with a Win hig op Reet when our father, using his deft surgical skills, sewed you back Our life ang wi > a While after you had cut your wrists, you undertook to “better ise o la Ravan though it inevitably meant reinserting yourself into the old thange oh io 7s of the ways you tried to affirm your “new resolve was to Bl put is appearance through plastic surgery, for which our parents will- : "g 0 appease oney in an effort to keep you happy. They were at their wits end tre, (The “ii but their efforts to pacify you pushed you further into self- Obsession or of uniqueness and self-worth is indeed the pacifying aim.) E Portrayg dhe astic surgery exposed the myth of the whole bezuty industry, ha YOu do jugy for ag surgery as a beautifying, renewing experience, something spe- Hy for mye. Xs You.” It began with your eyes and nose, and you continued to 20 bo erally ol is to box yourself into a preconditioned, Furoamerican ideal Varg Te the twenty. ¢ parts that would not fit. But plastic surgery is irreversible, and > Where the Y-0ne years of assimilation. You told the doctors in the psychiatric : ¥ Placed you just after your second suicide attempt, the reason you