Researcher wanted to determine if carpeted rooms containe more bacteria than uncarpted rooms. Colonies of bacteria were allowed to form in the 16 Petri dishes. A normal probality plot and boxplot indicate that the data are aproximately normally distributed with no outliers. Do carpted rooms have more bacteria than uncarpted roomz at the a= 0.05 level of signicance?
carpeted rooms (bacteria/cubic foot)
11.8, 8.2, 7.1, 13, 10.8, 10.1 14.6, 14
uncarpted room( bacteria/cubic foot)
12.1, 8.3, 3.8, 7.2, 12, 11.1 10.1 13.7
a) Is this independent or dependent sampling?
b) State the null and alternative hypotheses
c) P-value:
d) state your conclusion in the langauage of the problem.