Assignment 2_ Research report �������� ���� �� ������������������ � �������� ��� �� �� ��� ����������������������������� �� ������� ���� ������ � ����!��"�����#$%&'''()�*+,+-./0+123-�#...

1 answer below »
Research report - topic: "The effects of cyberbullying on psychological health outcomes among young adults in Australia".
In the research, examine the prevalence of cyberbullying among young adults, how victims of cyberbullying differ in psychological health outcomes compared to non-victims, and what role coping styles play in this relationship.

Assignment 2_ Research report �������� ���� �� ������������������ � �������� ��� �� �� ��� � ��� ������������������������� �� ������� ���� ������ � ����!��"�����#$%&'''()�*+,+-./0+123-�#4567.-.85944:810+12�&)�;+4+3<><+><2=��!� ��������="" ���="">������!��?@�A���BC=��� � ���>BD���!� ���>����EF��G� !�H����F�� �����������?=��I���C�J ���H�����K�����!� ����� J���� �� "����!��K��� �� ���LMMNOPQRPS�T�UVL�!�������� �����!� ���I�� H�W��� �� ��� !�������� �H����������������H� ����� � �������� �� �XYYZ[\]̂ \_�̀âbaẐcd��� �������� �� "�H����������� ������������������ "�����!� �� � �������� A��� � ��I�����H��!�K�����!�� �J��� AH������H�����H��e�� ����� �J��� AH������H�����H"�H����������� ����J�������� "�� ���!� �� ���� ��� "�� ��!�� �� "��H�� �����"��� ��!"������ ��� !�!�������� ��� �� ��������������J� �������� �� ���� �������K��H�����I������ ����!� �� !��������� !� ��������"��������������� � ��������������� ��������H���"�H����������� � ��� ��� ��H����I������ �� � �� ������ ��H��������� A��� � 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Once you have complied your notes from the literature, go back and re-read your notes, continue to formulate and jot down any research questions that emerge. Once you have a couple of research questions from the note taking process (these notes may also identify gaps in the literature), hone in on two areas that could become hypotheses that can research and test out. One hypothesis should focus on a psychological outcome that is triggered by, and symptomatic of, cyberbullying, and the 2 | P a g e other should focus on a psychological health outcome affected by cyberbullying and with a related coping mechanism/style. Together, the research question(s) and hypotheses, informed by your reviewing of the literature, will then be tested in your analysis of the data provided in the next step. To do the data analysis for this assignment you are provided with two data files, the Online questionnaire (PDF 121 KB) and the SPSS data file (16 KB SAV). Analyses of the results in using these file will enable you to answer your research question and test your hypothesis. Here are some additional notes on the method and data that has been collected In your report, you will need to: 1. describe the prevalence of cyberbullying in the sample (this is your research question) 2. include a Table of Means and Standard Deviations for the psychological outcome variable for the different victimisation levels (the results regarding your first hypothesis) 3 | P a g e 3. report Independent samples t-tests in text 4. report correlation in text between psychological outcome and coping style for the different victimisation levels (the results regarding your second hypothesis). Now it is time to write up your report. Begin by sketching out the structure of what you will cover. On the Assignment 2: Research report page there is an example of the structure including: Abstract; Introduction; Method and results; Discussion; and References. Once you have written up a draft research report that explores your research questions and hypotheses through the data set, you could print it out and edit it, or give to a
Answered Same DaySep 08, 2021Swinburne University of Technology

Answer To: Assignment 2_ Research report �������� ���� �� ������������������ � �������� ��� �� �� ���...

Payal answered on Sep 10 2021
165 Votes
Effects of cyberbullying on psychosocial health outcomes among young adults in Australia
Natalie Amphayphon
Resubmitted as PSY20007 Development Psychology
Due Date: 25 January 2021
Tutor: Eloise Tomkins
Class: Leading Group 4
Word Count:
Cyberbullying has proven to be most infectious impact on the emotional and physical health of an individual, a family or a community at a large. This report is going to explore the psychological health effects cyberbullying has on adolescences in Australia, specifically
those between the age of 17 to 39 The most common age groups affected by cyberbully are individual’s in their teenage years or those who are entering adulthood. In an era of digitisation, the use of smart devices in young individuals has become more prevalent, compact and addictive. Phones, tablets and laptops help keep individuals stay connected with one another through various social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, in which various type of negative and harmful information can be circulated throughout the day. The impact of cyberbullying has the larger effect with the victim if they do not discuss with others. The situation is alarming and need to be the prime focus in terms of awareness among the young ones along with a support to them.     Comment by Pranshul Kumar Gupta: The particular point was not mentioned in my initial solution, however, I have verified & corrected the age group
Bullying is defined as the repeated action of internationally aggressive behaviour that is carried out by a group or an individual (Patchin & Hinduja, 2010). It is multifaceted and can affect the victim, families of victims to the community of victims. Cyberbullying, a new form of bullying, occurs through modern technological devices, specifically mobile phones or the internet, to harm and harass the individual or community (Slonje & Smith, 2008), noting the definition is inconsistent across studies. The up-rise misuse of the information available on social networking sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Twitter have been used to, significantly impact the psychological health of the individual and community at large. The activity is deliberate in nature and could happen in the form of Short Message Service (SMS), e-mail, posts on social networking sites, and blogs just to name a few. Cyberbullying could be considered as one of the paramount threats for an individual well-being (Slonje & Smith, 2008).
Exchange of communication in terms of sharing personal details, promoting oneself, expressing one-self, the “you name it and you’ll have it” lifestyle has become one of the biggest disadvantages of this virtual world. Early exposure of the internet to young children, students, teenagers on these social networking sites is far more dangerous than anyone could have thought. Young adolescences are more inclined to this virtual world where they try to explore their personality. This leads to development of a network of people who share a common interest which further leads to situation when one becomes an easy victim of cyberbullying (Alim, 2016). In Australia, a recent meta-analysis and systematic review conducted by Jadambaa et all., 2019, stated that although there was a high prevalence of bullying behaviours in Australian children and adolescence, cyberbully was still less prevalent when compared to traditional bullying for both victimisation and perpetration (71.4% experienced traditional bullying, 27.4% experienced both traditional and cyberbullying, and 1.1% experienced cyberbullying) (Jadambaa et al., 2019). But from our current research around 65% of the young adults have experienced the Cyberbullying in their lifetime. Thus there is need that emphasis should be placed on handling the prevalence of Cyberbullying among the young adults.    Comment by Pranshul Kumar Gupta: This whole sentence was not there in initial solution, not sure about professor expectation, however, I have modified it as per analysis
Bullying’s literal meaning is harassing someone repeatedly in a deliberate manner which may cause a mental, emotional or physical harm to the individual “Cite”. Anyone can access your information and can misuse it through various mode of cyber communication. Here the information is published in a public domain which has no identity (Patchin and Hinduja, 2010).
Cyberbullying is categorised into 6 major types:
1) Harassment
2) Impersonation
3) Inappropriate Photographs
4) Website Creation
5) Video Shaming
6) Subtle Methods
Associated effects of Cyberbullying
As we know, cyberbullying can have detrimental impacts on the health of the victim and becomes serious when the victim is a young adult. As we know the adolescence age can be easily bullied and threaten based on false pretext due to the incomplete and false information about the cyber-crime. Due to this we have various health effects that are associated with the cases of cyberbullying. The most common among them are self-esteem, depression and anxiety. These health effects can be a hindrance in the lives of an adolescence and as such affect their studies and can ultimately ruin their career (Hase, Goldberg, Smith, Stuck & Campain, 2020).
Self -Esteem
Self-esteem in simple words can be defined as the confidence level of an individual. Adolescences can be molded very easily and have very...

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