Research question: Why have some firms achieved greater reduction in carbon emission than others?
Previous Hypothesis:“Firms developing effective business strategy for the reduction of carbon emission”.
I have attached the excel spreadsheet so you have to filter the data which is related to strategy no matter it is country or companies and use it to prove the hypothesis. You have to use pie chart graphs etc in descriptive and in inferential T-Test is the must just take two groups : comparing the emission reduction between 2/ 3 groups –among firms of these countries (using strategy and without using stategyP.Chi square, spearmen, Pearson test etc if it is relevant by distinguishing whether it is parametric or non parametric.
you need/ must include % of reduction in carbon emission for your analysis - eg based on your comparison of different groups - firms among US and EU that you intended.That reflects WHY some firms perform better that others in relation to your H - which you want to prove.
Interpretation is the most important.
please follow the template given and feel free to contact me for any doubts.
MGT723 Task 3 Checklist From the study guide (which I strongly encourage you to refer back to) “The process of data analysis and discussion are iterative. As you begin to analyse the data the ‘story’ will begin to emerge (and you should begin writing that story as it becomes clear to you). Seeing the story emerge will suggest further analysis to be completed. The process of data analysis can be a rollercoaster ride of insight, confusion, and then further insight. Don’t be discouraged!” (p.59) “Your draft of the final report should be taking form. As you review what you have already written always strive for better ways to express your ideas. Review and revise your work regularly to keep in mind what you have already done so that your writing will continue to be logically and internally consistent. As your ideas or conception of the issues change be sure to revise what you have previously written to make sure it reflects the change.” (p.64) Consider the following before submission: Data Analysis – Inferential (20): (the application of these points will depend on your data (nominal/ scale) and so some of these suggestions will not apply) Conducted the appropriate statistical test (do not be concerned if you do not find a significant result, that is not unusual) and drawn the appropriate conclusion with reference to the test statistic and the probability of a Type I error (if you do not find a significant result you might also consider the probability of a Type II error. Considered the implications of outliers Considered control variable – either within the inferential test, or repeating the inferential test for different levels of the control variable (e.g., note that only one of these will apply based on the type of data that you have - if the control variable was industry type, either include a dummy variable for industry type into a regression, conduct t-tests separately for each industry type, or conduct a univariate analysis of variance with your IV and CV as fixed factors) Conducted additional analysis to determine whether your results apply to subsections of your data, such as for particular industries or countries. Hypothesis Testing (10): Appropriate conclusion based on the inferential test. Conclusion (hypothesis supported or not supported) based on the correct statistics from the inferential test (e.g., if you are conducting a t-test, Levene’s test of the homogeneity of variances will indicate which row of statistics you use and refer to in drawing a conclusion on your hypothesis) Reference to the descriptive statistics from Task 2 to indicate the nature of the relationship between the variables. Discussion (30): The introduction and motivation that you wrote for the ACC620 task (and summarised for Task 1) is an important guide for the discussion in Task 3. In the introduction and motivation you indicated why the research is important for theory and practice. Your discussion will now relate your findings to these broader perspectives, and your conclusions will be your contribution to these issues and the theoretical discourses. Broad conclusions of your study that are consistent with the inferential and descriptive statistics. Be careful not to overstate the results. Implications of your study for theory development/ how it confirms, challenges, and/or adds to theory and specifically our understanding of the relationship between the IV and DV. Practical implications of your results Are there any recommendations that you might make based on your results? Limitations (10): Sample size (and implications for the power of your statistical test – might explain an insignificant result even if the relationship exists) Limitations of the data – consider the CDP data, how it was obtained by CDP and the implications for generalisability Generalisability of the sample – would your result apply to another time, industry, country, other forms of social and/or environmental performance….. You might refer back to the assumptions of your inferential test, if they were breached consider how it affects the conclusions that you have drawn. Further Research (10) Referring to the limitations mentioned above, how might they be addressed through further research? Would other research methods be able to provide more insight (such as a case study, interviews, or experiments?) Based on the theoretical and practical motivation that you identified in Task 1, and in ACC620, what further research is necessary? Spelling and Grammar (10) Entire document is spell checked and grammar checked. Technical terms are used correctly (e.g., your test does not PROVE the hypothesis – it supports, does not support, or rejects it). Referencing (10): In-text referencing - all quotations are in quotation marks with the references Statements are supported with references Ideas taken from other sources are referenced Intext references, and list of references, are all a consistent format. List of references includes all sources included as in-text references MGT723 Research Proposal Final Report Marking Rubric The breakdown of the marks and plan is as follows. (Note: the marks allocated are not indicative of the proportion of total words): · Data Analysis: Conduct and describe appropriate statistical analysis of the data /20 · Hypothesis Testing: Draw appropriate conclusions regarding the hypothesis based on the inferential data analysis. /10 · Discussion: convincingly and clearly discuss the implications for practice and theory /30 · Limitations: Clearly identify the limitations of the study. /10 · Further Research: Identify opportunities for further research based on the findings, and limitations, of your study. /10 · Spelling, Grammar and Referencing: Correct and consistent referencing and flawless spelling and grammar /10 · Referencing: correct and consistent intext referencing and Bibliography. /10